
Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *

"Malaysia, long known as a bastion of moral rigidity within Southeast Asia (the brisk trade in transvestite prostitution in Miri notwithstanding), has announced a plan to treat youthful fans of Black Metal music with medication in order to combat what is seen as a "Satanic heavy metal music cult" that "practices animal sacrifice and destroys religious texts". According to the New Straits Times, approximately 150 high school students will be entered into a program to "stimulate their thinking" with the assistance of an undisclosed "medicine". Subjects requiring this "stimulation" have been identified via strip-searches for tattoos, upside-down crucifixes, black leather and face-paint. The program will be administered by a private company, according to Kedah state official Fadzil Hanafi. While we applaud Malaysia's move towards Western-style free market capitalism by outsourcing their mind-control apparatus, one would have to be somewhat naive concerning the history of heavy metal music to imagine that the application of drugs to its followers will result in a suppressive effect. "

There's a pic of Dimmu Borgir ( I think) above the article too. haha...Sad....
I got a good laugh when this was forwarded to me. Way to go Madeline Murray O'Hare! Do any of you know more about this or think it's remotely true?

Though she is dead and has just been located after 5 years, this lady continues to haunt us from her shallow grave. CBS will be forced to discontinue "Touched by an Angel" for using the word God in every program.

Madeline Murray O'Hare, an atheist, successfully managed to eliminate the use of Bible reading from public schools a few years ago. Now her organization has been granted a Federal Hearing on the same subject by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in Washington, DC. Their petition, Number 2493, would ultimately pave the way to stop the reading of the gospel our Lord and Savior, on the airwaves of America. They got 287,000 signatures to back their stand! If this attempt is successful, all Sunday worship services being broadcast on the radio or by television will be stopped.

This group is also campaigning to remove all Christmas programs and Christmas carols from public schools! You can help! We are praying for at least 1 million signatures. This would defeat their effort and show that there are many well and concerned about our country. We must unite on this. Please don't take this lightly. We ignored this lady once and lost prayer in our schools and in offices across the nation. Please stand up for your religious freedom and let your voice be heard. Together we can make a difference in our country while creating an opportunity for the lost to know the Lord.

:D...:tickled:...:lol: They wanted me to sign my name and forward it. :rolleyes:
Eww, I don't have anything wrong with christian stuff on TV, because that's freedom of speech/press type thing and if I don't want to watch it I can just switch the channel. But I am so glad you aren't allowed to pray and read the bible in school, there is a very good reason teachers and administrators can't lead prayer in school, I wouldn't want my kids being taught prayer by the same people who teach them factual things. If/when I have kids I don't want them learning Christianity in school.
"This would defeat their effort and show that there are many well and concerned about our country."

Give me a breeeaakkkk, I am concered about our country, I don't know what that has to do with Christian mythology :mad: :mad: :mad: ! I actually would be pretty happy if they get all that gospel crap off TV, maybe then there would be something good on instead. All the churchy stuff should have its own channel (which it already does) but keep it off FOX, NBC, CBS, WB, etc. etc. Of course, they do have freedom of speech and I guess it is up to the channel, it is FAIR that they get to put it on TV, even though I don't agree with it.

And why do I think these Christians so concerned about their freedom of speech would get outraged and angered if an Islam or Wiccan thing was on CBS, they would make a petition to get it off TV, just like that atheist lady is doing to theirs.

I'd love to ask these people that want prayer in school, "How would you like it if the teacher told your kids to face Mecca and pray to Allah?" They would get all pissed at me and say they don't want teachers making their children worship false idols, then I could reply "Well, I don't want my children to either, let's keep religion and school seperate :D ."
I found a giant paper poster of John 3:16 on a chair in the university corridor today. I hung it on the toilet door, so whan I'm taking a dump, the Word stares back at me in a Nietzschean waltz-mural.

Deus Absconditus
Damn Malaysian censoring bastards yet again, eh? We've heard of this before, check this out:

All I can say is "Got Goat's Blood?"

It appears they've decided to take the next step against this "evil plague" that is Black Metal. It's kinda scary that it's the year 2001 and backwards oppressive societies like this still exist. I'm assuming everyone has seen/read what it's like for women in Afghanistan? Just brutal...

Whew! ;)

What if "Satanism - Myths & Ledends" was taught in classes. :lol: Would some better understand how absurd teaching Christianity in schools is :err:

"Passing the lake I know so well. I am near, yet so far away."
So what does this mean -

Do people consider metalheads to be the next coming of Hitler or Bin-Laden? Do these people envision us attacking with spiked leather bracelets? Suffocating others with our leather jackets? Moshing people to death? How will we attack first?

Well, I think Ozzy should be our leader - based on the stories that follow him, he's as evil as they come.:lol:
The problem is that anyone who entered the public schools in the US after 1962/1963 was given a distinctly twisted education. I think you'd find something along the lines of "Accurate American History" or "Not-so-Supreme Court Jurisprudence" more... enlightening :D