Future Metal Fan?

Gallipoli Girl

New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2010
Will bringing a NEGATIVE 6-month old baby to progpower ensure that little "IT" will be a metal fan? Furthermore, if I'm in front of the bar for the melodic power metal and in the back of the room for the more proggy stuff, will "IT" like MY music?? Pretty sure they can't hear a lot of external stuff when their ears are just now forming, but if you see a girl pressing her belly up against the speakers, you'll understand...:oops: -->:headbang:
Congrats! Last year was our first PP and my wife was 5 months pregnant at the time. Baby was bopping to some Suspyre but otherwise fairly quiet most of the weekend. Perhaps in shock. lol. Through her first 7 months she does seem to enjoy our music, but we'll see what she thinks of it when she's 7 years old.