g3 tour WOW


New Metal Member
Mar 3, 2007
I just went to see g3! the shred fest with Paul Gilbert, and Joe Satriani. It might have been (musicly) the best show ive ever seen. Paul Gilbert was first of course blew my mind right off the bat with a shredding solo and got right into some Racer X tunes. The bassist was unbelievable, tapping and sweeping right along with Paul.

Then Pertucci and to my surprise MIKE PORTNOY!!! i really wasnt expecting this but it really made my night. Pertucci was probably my favorite there, because of his great melodic work off his new solo album. Portnoy of course played with great energy, threw up about 10 sticks and maybe caught 1. It cracks me up though anyway. The bassist was unbelievible also, Dave Larue

Satriani was last. This guy was probably the fastest, could do anything that could be needed to do to play guitar (not that I would know) His drummer was good, but of couse Portnoy made him look like a clown.

At the end all the guitarists came on stage and shreded through some Jimi Hendrix tunes. It was really unbelievable.

My favorite performance was Pertucci, not only because of Portnoy but Pertucci does some fantastic melodic things instead of shredding away like a manic the whole concert. I feel like I will never be impressed on the guitar again.

If g3 is coming, I really think anyone should check it out. Any musician can enjoy this, its worth every penny, I wouldve spent $100 if i knew what I was up for. :headbang: