Gaia Epicus - Victory

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
I'm HOPING to get my hands on 'Victory' soon - 'Symphony Of Glory' (their 2nd album) is still one of my all time favorite CDs. I had introduced you to them before & you said they were too 'happy-speedy' for your tastes. Does this mean they've tuned down the tempo for the new album? To me - the driving force behind GI was their unyielding desire to have fun which was so apparent in the songs (Especially on SOG). I couldn't imagine them being anything more than a mediocore heavy metal band if they started taking making music seriously.
hhhmmmm .... interesting post TSO.

There is PMR! We've been wondering where the hell you went, buddy! Welcome back!

I only vaguely remember hearing Gaia Epicus that night on SoulSeek, so I can't speak for changes. And it's not like I didn't like them, they just weren't my favorite style. I went back to revisit them a couple weeks ago and found new songs on their website and myspace page, and all of a sudden it clicked. But it's definitely more thrashy than it is happy euro speed metal. If that's what the earlier albums are, I'd say this album is a big change.
THANKS TSO!! Good to see you. It's difficult to describe the older GI. When I get the new CD - I'll be better able to compare. I'm hoping they didn't change their style too much. I think one of the original members died during the 'Victory' recordings and that put the CD's release back a long time. I'm anxious to hear it.
THANKS TSO!! Good to see you. It's difficult to describe the older GI. When I get the new CD - I'll be better able to compare. I'm hoping they didn't change their style too much. I think one of the original members died during the 'Victory' recordings and that put the CD's release back a long time. I'm anxious to hear it.

Hey buddy, glad to see you back! We were wondering what the heck happened to you. How've you been? :kickass:
HEY PM, thanks - Thought I'd be able to sneak back in and resume posting unnoticed. I've been good, thanks. Hope you & the band are keeping busy & happy. Good to see you again.
We're doing well dude. Was that you who added us on myspace the other day?

Oh yeah, and send me your mailing addy. I want to repay you for that awesome Nocturnal Rites CD.

Me....My Space???? With these tin cans??? :lol:
Soon as I find out what it is - The company is finally finished moving & though I've been there many times, I don't know the addy yet.
I'm in no hurry. Glad you like the CD- sure beat having to send it back & trying to explain how I ended up with 2 copies. :heh:
Anyone heard the new Gaia Epicus? It's modern old school for sure and reminds me of Morgana Lefay overall. While not exactly original, this album stands above the crowd because of songwriting. They also do a pretty good Megadeth impersonation on one song...if only Mustaine wrote like this these days! I know Wyvern is gonna dig this.

I have been anticipating this album for over a year now so my expectations may have reached unfairly impractical levels. Now that I've listened to it twice all the way through I am disappointed. I am hoping this is a transitional album for them and they will ultimately revert to their signature sound. In my opinion it is a very good Gamma Ray album but we're talking Gaia Epicus here. The Timeless Miracle 'Into The Enchanted Chamber' CD I picked up sounds more like Gaia Epicus than this album does. Some folks may think the GR similarities are an improvement but I prefer the more original first two CD's (especially Symphony Of Glory). Missing from this album (at least in my opinion) is ambition, exhilaration, the overwhelming feeling that they actually enjoy what they're doing, the bizarre interludes and unconventional, original ideas. Sounds like they are on the path to taking themselves too seriously and becoming just another generic power metal act. Sad.
I still think this is a good album, but it has faded a bit since I started this thread. It has some great hooks and such, but it's taken a back seat to Elvenking - Winter's Wake and Wizard - Goochan as my most listened to 4-star albums of the past couple months.

The new Therion and Sonata Arctica have already earned a gold pedastal for 2007...and dominate my playlist.