Game: Guess that coverart faggot


Active Member
Apr 10, 2006
Yes, we're gonna play a game. The rules are simple. One gonna post a piece of some metal cover, then others guess what cd that is. Whoever gets it right posts another piece.

We can count points but whatever. I'll start with an easy one so the game can go on.

^Argentum- Ad Interitum Funebrarum

How about providing a verbal description of the album cover instead of revealing part of it? This will make the game more challenging.
Hmm.. I don't know.. I like the pictures, the game has flow in it.. Plus I think it can be easily very challenging by not so known covers -or- not so known parts.. However, we can allow describing aswell. No problem. Do it. We'll see.
Okay, the cover depicts the Devil engulfed in flames(rising from them, perhaps), pointing his index finger at you.

Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath


I'll throw in a super-massive hint to keep this moving. The name of this USBM band starts with N. This, their second full length, was released in 2000.
It's Noctuary - Where fires breed blood.


Ben_t        1
DarkBliss    1
kil          1
Onder        1
Come on guys... I'll cut another bit, but now it's obvious..

You were supposed to post another picture tbh so the game continues.

I didn't know about that silly subforum, so if mods think it's necessary then they can move it or whatever.