guess the game quote-thread

yeah, that's the game's only flaw... except for being fakken boring :D

i haven't played snes alot, i'm more of a pc games guy :)

snes = greatest system of all time :)

good sir, that's because you play on a difficult level, n00bs that play on begginer can take down an imp with a single headshot with the shotgun, that's lame, demons must be difficult to kill :D play nightmare mode and then you'll see what's all about, I finished DOOM 3 and Resurrection Of Evil in nightmare mode :D

hahaha im glad someone else understands how hard it is being awesome :)

Final Fantasy, whatever expansion/episode/shit :p

nope, it was actually illusion of gaia, im just giving the answer cause i want a new one to do, and mine are from my favorite games that no one has ever played

anyone here ever played ogre battle 64? YUMIL.... YYYYUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMILLLLLLLLLL,
the most retarded thing about doom 3 is that the weapons don't have lamps... seriously? he can't even carry the lamp in his left hand and shoot with the gun in the other

This is a REALLY easy fix. Notepad + editing 2 game files. You only have to changed a couple lines and BAM, flashlight with whatever weapon you want.

You can even make the light burn things. I made an experiment to make the flashlight cause that "burn away" effect when you touch an imp with it. Although that made Doom lame it was still amusing.