the movie quote game

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
you know how this goes. give a quote that tickles your nether regions and then someone has to guess and post another quote. or not guess yours and post a quote anyway, with some of them being guessed from time to time. and googling is not nice.:ill:

i shall go first.

"i saw something nasty in the woodshed."

This reminds me of when I first stumbled upon the RC forum, there was some political thread and a movie quote thread, and the regulars at the time laughed with (probably at) me, then POOF I was writing for this marvelous e-publication.

In other words, I don't know the answer. :loco:
ok ok fine. something a little easier then.
"a naked american man stole my balloons."

edit: it may have been "THAT naked american man stole my balloons."
either way, best line from the movie!
you are correct!!
and i know yours, but only because its a movie my brother talked about all the time. if no one else gets it i'll give it
Man: You're not just tellin' us what we wanna hear?

**: No sir, no way

Man #2: 'Cause we just want to hear the truth.

**: Well, then I guess I am tellin'you what you wanna hear.

Man: Boy, didn't we just tell you not to do that?

**: Yessir.

Man: OK then.