Games You Play While Listening


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
Figured this is specific enough a topic to deserve its own thread.

What games do you play on the computer when you're primarily listening to music- especially when digesting a new album- but just need something mundane to occupy your left brain?

Personally, I find anything spatially oriented to be a nice distraction. Keeps me occupied, but not so analytical that I get distracted and can't properly focus on the music. Tetris, Minesweeper(see avatar), Puzzle Quest, Risk, Bejeweled, Dice Wars (, really just about anything that's grid based does the trick.

Recently reinstalled World of Warcraft, running through a trial account right now. If I hit 20 by the end of it, I'll probably activate the account to retail.
Recently reinstalled World of Warcraft, running through a trial account right now. If I hit 20 by the end of it, I'll probably activate the account to retail.

I play WoW, TF2, Civilization, (insert many more titles than I'm willing to admit) but they're much more "active gaming" type of immersion where you want the game volume on, paying full attention, etc. IMO at least. Not trying to shit on your opinion or anything :cool:
I play WoW, TF2, Civilization, (insert many more titles than I'm willing to admit) but they're much more "active gaming" type of immersion where you want the game volume on, paying full attention, etc. IMO at least. Not trying to shit on your opinion or anything :cool:

Oh dude, TF2 I can't have music on. Always trash talking back and forth for that. Haha, fucking love it.

WoW when I'm just running around leveling and what not I always have music going, but if I'm playing with others especially when I have raided in the past - it is vent and nothing else.
Usually I would prefer to skate, but I do play Ultima Online (for free) with music. Lately I've been wanting to reinstall civilization 4 and play that, but I only have 1gb left on my comp and worry it would lag immensely. I have alot of music and alot of other worthless things I need to delete.
Diablo 2. It happens to be an insanely metal game, so that works too.
Final Fantasy XII...just running around killing stuff. I did this while going through a bunch of Yes stuff my friend lent me, as well as a whole bunch of vinyl (since the good turntable is in the TV room).
Depends; if I'm playing Unreal Tournament I put some death metal on, and if I'm playing something creepy, like F.E.A.R, I play Darkspace.
I don't play computer/video games anymore, except for Chess. And the fact that I'm playing Chess on my computer has no bearing on what I'm listening to. When I do play real chess here there's usually classical music playing in the background.

I used to play Age of Empires all the time (all 3 of them), and again it didn't determine what music I listened to.
If I'm listening to something new... I usually just internet surf. If I'm listening to something I already know and like, I'll play my xbox or do something physical labor or something. I've been playing alot of Dynasty Warriors while listening to music lately. Nothing quite like violence and death metal....