Gamma Ray "Majestic Tour" report


Child of the Damned
Jan 25, 2002
They're currently on tour in Europe, I saw them in Lyon this last Wednesday. Here we go :Smokin:

POWERWOLF : a new German band from the Metal Blade roster. Their first album shows some potential but it wasn't as good live unfortunately, since they played without bass player (!?), their singer (wearing a large black cloak) was ill and the sound was muddy. No keyboardist either, solely samples. Still, I like their darker and slower approach of heavy metal influenced by Black Sabbath, Manowar & NWOBHM, no happy metal to be found here. Things will improve with experience.

NOCTURNAL RITES : Good set even though they're a very typical melodic metal band, quite heavy yet easy on the ears. The Swedes enjoyed themselves a lot on stage and the crowd was into them as well, it was all good fun. Nothing groundbreaking and a bit repetitive IMO (especially the choruses) but I like some of their stuff (Shadowland being my fave) and they're a very tight live band. Also I don't know why but girls seemed to like them very much :D

GAMMA RAY : Time for much more guitar action :loco: It was a better gig than on the No World Order tour overall, this time Kai Hansen wasn't ill and showed that he can still sing his heart out, Dirk Schlachter (bass) wasn't suffering from his leg anymore, the set was also longer and they dropped the annoying endless sing-along part they used to do in the middle of "Somewhere Out in Space". Kai played a nice bluesy solo instead.
They also brought back some neat songs in the setlist like "Strangers in the Night" (yay!), "One With the World" and "Heavy Metal Universe"! I could have done without the drum solo though. Did I ever say that I loathe drum solos? :D Few exceptions aside. On the other hand, seeing Hansen and Richter (all smiles) trading leads is always worth the price alone :headbang:
Also I'd rather hear another GR song instead of "I Want Out" for the last encore, they have already played it a thousand times before and GR material is as good if not better. How about heavier numbers like "Anywhere in the Galaxy" or "The Last Before the Storm"?
Anyway I had a great time, the sound was ok, and even if there could have been more people in attendance the crowd was energizing from start to finish.

Setlist :

Intro : Welcome
Gardens of the Sinner
New World Order
Heaven Can Wait
Blood Religion
Strangers in the Night
How Long
One with the World
Drum solo
Heavy Metal Universe
The Silence
Rebellion in Dreamland
Land of the Free
Valley of the Kings
Somewhere Out in Space / Rebellion in Dreamland
Send me a Sign

Next gig : maybe Nevermore in Switzerland on Thursday, then KIT festival. :Smokin:
wow you already saw Gamma Ray! sounds great, they are in better health condition, how did you like the new songs?
i didn't like their drum solo either. and i love seeing the drum solos ;) well, his solo is a bit boring :p
anyways, thank you for the good review! i look forward to seeing them 2 month later, with Stormwarrior :)
Heh, funny that you mention Stormwarrior, last time I saw them in Germany they were doing a gig with Kai Hansen on vocals :) They played a very special Walls of Jericho set (freaking awesome, I had been waiting for this for years!). Thanks goodness there are still young bands carrying the torch of blazing speed metal.

Anyway I'm sure you'll have a great time too, GR love Japan ;)
As for the new songs I have to admit I prefer NWO over Majestic, I'm a little bit disappointed but it's still a good record overall. "Blood Religion" especially sounded great live! They're doing different songs from Majestic every night so I guess you'll probably hear a different setlist :)
hehe yes they are like Kai's children ;)
i might not be able to afford two shows here (tix are incrediblly expensive!) but still sounds exciting just imagining what they are going to play! i'll tell you when i saw them in early Dec! :headbang: