Gamma Ray: Majestic


Melody be Thy Name
Aug 27, 2004
Las Vegas
So, Gamma Ray's new CD is out.

I got today and on my way home, holy shit. At first, the cd is good but nothing to make you nut your pants.

Then track number 7, "Spiritual Dictator," hits and holy shit. Kai Hansen comes back in all of his guitaring glory from then on.

"Majesty" the (arguably) title track come up next and simply knocks my socks off with light Blind Guardian-esque atmospherics backed up with some great Hansen rythym that drives you to headbanging.

"How Long" sticks to it's name with some classic Gamma Ray goodness.

Last but not least, coming in at a nearly epic 8:30 is "Revelation." What a way to end a great CD. The song's riffs dance around from power to thrashy power to nearly prog. Well balanced and pleasing to anyone who likes Hansen's work.

Bottom line, if you don't like this album, you don't like metal.

9 out of 10
I remember finding it quite good, but I'm not going to rush out and buy it...However, I will rush out and see them play (they're touring the US in 2006, according to certain sources).
I couldn't get into it for some reason, I dunno, the songs seemed kinda... meh... I'll give it another spin in a couple of months.
Jean-Pierre said:
I remember finding it quite good, but I'm not going to rush out and buy it...However, I will rush out and see them play (they're touring the US in 2006, according to certain sources).

I'll be there.
Listening to Majestic for the first time right now. Fucking amazing so far. The opening song "My Temple" is a definite kick in the face, so heavy, The title track just rules. "Spiritual Dictator" takes me back to Walls of Jericho. An overall great follow up to No World Order and I think it is better. Now thats saying alot because No World Order owns.