Gang Vocals

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Just tried doing some gang vocals for a cover we're attempting..

Turned out REALLY REALLY well. We only had two people (myself and the guitarist). Took about 10 takes, about 7 made it thru. 57 about waist height, a metre away in a garage, and a PG52 another metre away at voice height.

A lot of gang vocals I've heard sound really small.. I tried to imitate the ones off 'Give You Hell' in terms of production.

So, uh..
What do you think? And do you recognize the song at all...?

FYI: The drums are placeholders (just Sneap samplse I think, and very mechanical), and the guitar tone is also just a placeholder, I have DI's.

If anyone wants to do a growl or a scream over the top of this for extra ridiculousness, please do, I'd love it! :D
open my window and a breeze rolls in and i...

sounds pretty good. i think they could sound bigger though, but thats just my preference for gang vocals.
whoever is singing the high vocal needs to be brought out and shot. i dont like it but thats personal taste i guess. pretty nice, a bit dry, dry verbing it a little more