Gas prices effecting anyone else?


Jul 18, 2002
Watching the news is making me SICK. All these big wigs justifying these gas prices. 4.00 a gallon? This is a fucking outrage. Im supposed to drive to PP this year from NH and could wind up being completely fucked. On top of this I just had to dump 500.00 in my car for repairs. I also commute 45 miles EACH WAY for work 5 days a week. Im getting pounded, and its absolutely irating me.

Anyone else in my boat? This absolutely fucking sucks. If I have to miss PP because of my $$$ situation Im not gonna be happy.

20 years ago we should have started technological preparations to discard oil as means of operating vehicles. Nothing but a fucking scam!
DrumRman said:
Watching the news is making me SICK. All these big wigs justifying these gas prices. 4.00 a gallon? This is a fucking outrage. Im supposed to drive to PP this year from NH and could wind up being completely fucked. On top of this I just had to dump 500.00 in my car for repairs. I also commute 45 miles EACH WAY for work 5 days a week. Im getting pounded, and its absolutely irating me.

Anyone else in my boat? This absolutely fucking sucks. If I have to miss PP because of my $$$ situation Im not gonna be happy.

20 years ago we should have started technological preparations to discard oil as means of operating vehicles. Nothing but a fucking scam!

Yeah, gas prices suck, but at least your home isn't underwater and you're not surrounded by dead and bloated bodies.

Yeah, I have to drive a lot living as far out on Long Island as I am, and it really fucking is sucking having to pay $35 to fill up my gas tank, especially since I have to drive 30 min to see my girlfriend (and vice versa).
$3.09 - $3.99 here. Diesel's a little cheaper at $2.89. I have to do a lot of driving for my job at the newspaper, which totally sucks, but at least I don't have a gas guzzler.

Is anyone going to shoot me if I say maybe it's time for a little gas crisis to teach people some responsibility? I'm sorry, but I live in NJ where there are more drivers per square mile than in any other state and I think the SUV craze is ridiculous and irresponsible. If you need that vehicle for work, fine, but I'm sick of seeing young kids and soccer moms driving Navigators and Hummers.

Of course I'm not saying I'm glad the hurricane happened, just that the economy is always goes in cycles and this was bound to happen for some reason or another. I just want less monster trucks on the road.
Stardust2112 said:
Yeah, gas prices suck, but at least your home isn't underwater and you're not surrounded by dead and bloated bodies.


No but 6 years ago my apartment was completly destroyed in a fire so I know what its like. I dont need to hear the "at least you're" comment.

Trust me I feel for the South and think its heartbreaking, and aweful, and know FIRST HAND what its like to lose everything Ive ever worked for and owned, but I was simply asking if anyone else was feeling the pain of the gas prices when it comes to PP like I am thats all.
AMBR said:
$3.09 - $3.99 here. Diesel's a little cheaper at $2.89. I have to do a lot of driving for my job at the newspaper, which totally sucks, but at least I don't have a gas guzzler.

Is anyone going to shoot me if I say maybe it's time for a little gas crisis to teach people some responsibility? I'm sorry, but I live in NJ where there are more drivers per square mile than in any other state and I think the SUV craze is ridiculous and irresponsible. If you need that vehicle for work, fine, but I'm sick of seeing young kids and soccer moms driving Navigators and Hummers.

Of course I'm not saying I'm glad the hurricane happened, just that the economy is always goes in cycles and this was bound to happen for some reason or another. I just want less monster trucks on the road.

I can understand you to a degree but thats not the case with everyone. This hike could literally crumble me financially. I live in NH and work In Boston. Its a 45 mile commute each way. I am dumping 80 bucks a week just to drive to work! NH as it is is insane as cost of living goes. My apt alone is 900.00 a month with nothing included.

Do alot of people have SUV's just to be cool? Sure but I drive a lousy 6 cylinder Monte Carlo that is actually good on gas. Why should I be penalized. When a gallon of gas is almost as high as minimum wage, something is fucking wrong.

Also on another forum, everyone justified the price hikes, yet not one person was able to explain to me that if Gas is just a supply and demand issue, than how are the big wigs at Exxon/Mobil/Chevron etc able to come on TV and brag about RECORD HIGH PROFITS.

I dont wanna take away anything from the poor folks down in the South, but this is really taking a toll on me. Im frustrated beyond belief, and like I said above, Ive been through a disaster myself (can provide pics). Its fucking aweful, and I pray for these people down there. Call me selfish but it sucks that I havent done a damn thing all summer, and the one event I am lookin forward too, could be in jeopardy.
first off, gas was always more in Europe while I lived there so we had it easy for so long yet we still complained when it was 1.50 or more.

Second, 2/3 of us drive around in vehicles that could pass as boats if they had the ability to float on water.

third, so many people fight against using public transportation or pressuring the higher ups to build very good public transportation. In Europe, I hardly had to use a car as I could get around a particular city or country to country with the various public transportation services they had.

at the very least, we should car pool more often. Next time you drive, take a notice at not just how many cars are out there but how many cars with only one person in them are out there.

If you are only a short distance from certain places such as work or the local grocery store, try walking or riding a bike.
AMBR said:
$3.09 - $3.99 here. Diesel's a little cheaper at $2.89. I have to do a lot of driving for my job at the newspaper, which totally sucks, but at least I don't have a gas guzzler.

Is anyone going to shoot me if I say maybe it's time for a little gas crisis to teach people some responsibility? I'm sorry, but I live in NJ where there are more drivers per square mile than in any other state and I think the SUV craze is ridiculous and irresponsible. If you need that vehicle for work, fine, but I'm sick of seeing young kids and soccer moms driving Navigators and Hummers.

Of course I'm not saying I'm glad the hurricane happened, just that the economy is always goes in cycles and this was bound to happen for some reason or another. I just want less monster trucks on the road.

First of all, YES gas prices SUUUUUCK!

Secondly, That would SUUUUUCK even more if you weren't able to come to PP because of them. I would be so upset if that was my situation.

Finally, I don't understand what is so ridiculous or irresponsible about owning an SUV even if you don't need it for work. I understand young kids (or old foagies :loco: ) driving around like idiots in big expensive vehicles can be dangerous (and annoying) but if you want an SUV and can afford an SUV then I say more power to ya!
Bad Girl Tess said:
First of all, YES gas prices SUUUUUCK!

Secondly, That would SUUUUUCK even more if you weren't able to come to PP because of them. I would be so upset if that was my situation.

Finally, I don't understand what is so ridiculous or irresponsible about owning an SUV even if you don't need it for work. I understand young kids (or old foagies :loco: ) driving around like idiots in big expensive vehicles can be dangerous (and annoying) but if you want an SUV and can afford an SUV then I say more power to ya!

Ah, spoken like a true Texan. ;) You guys got a little more open road than we do in Jersey. SUV's create more pollution and we got a serious problem with that here. They also waste a lot of gas. Shouldn't we be conserving this finite resource?

I can understand you to a degree but thats not the case with everyone. This hike could literally crumble me financially. I live in NH and work In Boston. Its a 45 mile commute each way. I am dumping 80 bucks a week just to drive to work! NH as it is is insane as cost of living goes. My apt alone is 900.00 a month with nothing included.

Do alot of people have SUV's just to be cool? Sure but I drive a lousy 6 cylinder Monte Carlo that is actually good on gas. Why should I be penalized. When a gallon of gas is almost as high as minimum wage, something is fucking wrong.
I feel your pain Drummerman. I'm not justifying, just hoping since it's happened and we're all getting screwed maybe those wasting gas irresponsibly may wise up.

Anyway, I agree, the price gouging sucks and I sure hope it doesn't keep anyone from travelling to ProgPower. Anyone know if airline prices are rising yet as a result of fuel costs?
There are lots of things that we should've been doing for years to keep ourselves out of this situation, but I won't go into them lest I be called an earth killer..but we haven't built a new refinery since the 70's. Oh yeah, coal can be turned into fuel for cars...(cough)anwr(cough).

This is to be expected in a situation like this. People panic and act irrationally...remember the whole millenium scare. People hear someone say something about a gas shortage and they fill up every vehicle, and every container they can get their hands, on with gas shortage. The station knows their next gas shipment isn't due until Fri., so they raise prices, in hopes people will refrain from buying gas they don't need, so that their gas supply will last until the next shipment. Rumor creates panic - panic creates a demand the marketplace can't meet.

The last thing we need, though, is price controls and rationing, as I've heard some people mention. Didn't work in the 70's and it won't work now. Let the free market take care of itself and keep goverment out of it. There is nothing the government does that the private sector doesn't do better, cheaper and more efficient. It really is simple economics - supply and demand.
DrumR that commute is a KILLER - that's alot of green to have to spend every week- I feel your pain and know where you are coming from.

Only reason I am not stressing too much about this my gas will be split three ways with me and my two buddies - and we are taking my buddy's Mazda 3 which gets great mielage.... it will hurt more this year but for use, it could be worse....

From all your posts I know how much you love going every year man - hope you don;t have to cancel.
AMBR said:
Ah, spoken like a true Texan. ;) You guys got a little more open road than we do in Jersey. SUV's create more pollution and we got a serious problem with that here. They also waste a lot of gas. Shouldn't we be conserving this finite resource?

I feel your pain Drummerman. I'm not justifying, just hoping since it's happened and we're all getting screwed maybe those wasting gas irresponsibly may wise up.

Anyway, I agree, the price gouging sucks and I sure hope it doesn't keep anyone from travelling to ProgPower. Anyone know if airline prices are rising yet as a result of fuel costs?

Heh! Yes, this is true. Texas is a lot bigger than Jersey and on top of that you're just not "cool" if you don't drive some sort of truck. JK ;)

I guess I just don't see it as wasting gas if someone is using it to get to and from places they need (or even want) to be. I do agree that more people should car pool, take a bus, or even walk when they're able to but again, if you can afford it and you want it, I say get it.

Most people will tell you I'm spoiled though ;)
AMBR said:
SUV's create more pollution and we got a serious problem with that here. They also waste a lot of gas. Shouldn't we be conserving this finite resource?

Exactly my stand. I live in the land of the "hip" soccer moms and I hate seeing all these gas guzzlers. :b by the time I got to the gas station after 9 (lines were dozens of cars long from at least 4 until after 8), they were out of everything but Ultimate at $2.99 a gallon, and the cars in front of me were both SUVs topping off their tanks. With the way Atlantans were panicking yesterday, I'm surprised there's any milk, bread or beer left at the stores. :b

AMBR said:
Anyway, I agree, the price gouging sucks and I sure hope it doesn't keep anyone from travelling to ProgPower. Anyone know if airline prices are rising yet as a result of fuel costs?
Saw a report on TV about an hour ago that American or United (whichever one is bankrupt already, can't remember) has already hiked prices.

Gas prices certainly pale in comparison to the fact that there are people still dying because help isn't getting to them, but the potential effect on the economy could be quite devastating in its own way. My hope is that 1, more effort is made toward developing alternative fuels and fuel-efficient vehicles, and 2, something is done about the fragility of the GoM oil and gas drilling and refining. Also, tele-working and public transportation should certainly be encouraged more.

As for oil companies making huge profits on top of rising gas prices, yes it's a travesty, but, well, what do you expect? The government is geared toward big business and in particular big oil, if you ask me.

One question, though... does this mean my little Escort is in vogue now? :loco:

yeah... im about to go on tour with my other band Lilitu. I just hope we sell enough t-shirts and cds everynight so we can afford to get to the next venue. :cry:
Yep, I have about the same commute as DrumRMan( I was doing a 70 mile commute each way until recently). I live out in the middle of nowhere, and have no choice but to go to more populated areas to maintain my IT career. I JUST paid off my Blazer early in March, in order to save money. Now, my gas costs to get to/from work are about $120/wk, and I'm not saving anything. Since I'm doing the long slow recovery from financial ruin & un/underemployment from the last 3 years, running out and buying a new or used vehicle is out of the question. Why do I drive an SUV? because I NEED 4 wheel drive in the winter, our roads get plowed for shit in the winter around here, and I live on top of a steep hill. I won't mention towing a small boat, since that boat has been in the garage, unused for 3 years. As for the "isn't it about time ..." comment, I can only say why punish EVERYONE for the irresponsible usage/acts of a few? Ban NASCAR, truck pulls, and other sporting wastes of fuel. My options are to sell my home and move closer to work, and get way less house in return, or wait this out and HOPE to be employed and be able to afford a more efficient vehicle next spring. This crisis is going to hurt us more than we know at this time. Just wait. Oh, one last thing, the US doesn't have the public transportation infrastructure like Europe does. I think a LOT of us would take public transportation (especially now) if it WAS an option. I know I would. So yeah this does suck for EVERYONE!
"Ban NASCAR, truck pulls, and other sporting wastes of fuel."

That is honestly one of the most intelligent things I've heard. I never thought of that. If NASCAR was banned temporarily, there would be a revolt in this country and that is what we need. Not because of gas going to $3, but because there is the ability to do travel in more efficient and cheaper means. Nobody will do it because everyone seems to be making money off of gas except those of us getting screwed. Public Trans? I live in central PA so there is none. Car Pool? We are so spread out around here, it would actually take more gas to pick someone up. NObody is "on the way to work" so you have to go out of your way. Ride a bike? Yeah, like 15 miles one way in a suit. I don't think so. THis bullshit is killing rural folk for sure.
It's affecting me BIG time!

I work for a medical company and I am responsible for covering hospitals from Key West to Cape Caneveral (People from Florida should know how far this is) with eventual trips to Tampa and Jacksonville...

I am spending almost 40 bucks a DAY on gas! 200 bucks a week! Yeah, it sucks!

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