Gave up Facebook for good


Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
It was hard but after frustrations with all the gossipy, pity party, political conspiracy bs, I finally said fuck it and deleted my account. I originally got facebook to reconnect with all most of my old school friends that I hadn't seen from 20+ years, but come to find out that many of them turned out to be a bunch of goofy, racist, moody assholes. I decided that maybe there was a reason I didn't keep in contact with these people for a reason and vice versa. My real and true friends have my cell and can contact me when they need and wanna hear from me.
I think the moody and goofy ones are just being themselves. Everyone else is puting way too much effort into cultivating their ideal persona. Anyone over the age of 25 still strutting around like a fucking member of the show entourage is a superficial loser.
I'm slowly starting to come to grips with this fact as well. It's also not as helpful to bands anymore, and in many ways pretty harmful.
I get half my clientele through Facebook interaction. No idea how I could make myself delete my account. Props to ya \m/
I dunno how to survive as a phone guy, I never think to get numbers and always lose them when I get a new phone or something so I feel dependent on facebook to keep in touch with people even if it's on an infrequent basis. I think if you use facebook somewhat passively it is better because if you are looking at it actively you are gonna see all the memes and political bullshit a lot more. The worst is bands that just post memes though in an attempt to get peoples attention, ugh.
Facebook is one of the most fun things on the internet ever. I am checking and shitting out posts on it constantly. I pretty much use it as a stream of consciousness kind of blog where i put what ever dumb shit i just thought of and also any stupid internet shit i find. i am in a lot of different groups and have a great time interacting with friends. don't take everything seriously and it is a hilarious waste of time.
My girlfriend last night - "You're addicted to facebook." she is checking facebook on her phone. I dont even really use it all that much lately. I'll post a song off YT or reply to a friend's post ftmp.
Just put everyone you don't really want to see on the Acquaintances list. That keeps them off your feed and you can post to Friends except Acquaintances without them seeing.
Didn't know that. I may un-delete my account but I'm kinda enjoying not having's forcing me to be more focus on real life face to face issues.
I still like it. It's a good way to passively keep up with people. If someone spams with conspiracy theories or useless stuff I just unfollow them. I have turned internet acquaintances in to legit friendships b/c of FB and FB messenger so my overall opinion is positive. To be honest, despite the creep factor it's also a far better aggregator of news I care about than TV or newspapers. I think the quality of your FB experience is almost entirely dictated by your friends and your own posts.
On an aside, the NSA monitors the internet on a ISP level so unless you're willing to surrender all things telcom abstaining from any one platform shields you from nothing (in the US). Yeah, avoiding FB, Twitter, Google, Apple, and microsoft may provide you some minimal additional privacy but the bottom line is that you can assume any internet conversation is easily monitored.