Gave up Facebook for good

The experience is generally what you make it. As much as I'm not fond of FB selectively tailoring your news feed based on your browsing habits, you can generally pick and choose what you want to see by unfollowing whomever you want. It became much more challenging for those of us managing business pages when they decided to extort us to get in touch with our follower base, so unfortunately personal pages are starting to double back as business pages.

Re: the privacy stuff, you're not safe anywhere. Gmail, Dropbox, your browser, your OS, your smartphone etc. are all compromised. This is just the natural result of our intelligence agencies' vast over-reach and our continual loss of individual rights. It's a topic for another discussion, but save to say that if you leave Facebook for privacy concerns, you had better drop off the grid entirely if you want nobody to be able to monitor you. Just go in with the notion that anything and everything you store or share online can be brought up, and leave as much sensitive data offline as you possibly can.
I left Facebook over two years ago. Don't miss it at all. I gave up Tumblr and Twitter too. Now all I have is Instagram, which I keep pretty small, and honestly just follow a bunch of cool tattooers and a few of my friends. I check it two or three times a day and otherwise try really hard to keep myself from wasting too much time on the interwebs.
Everybody's sick of facebook these days but it's incredibly hard to give it up. Most bands that are interested in my services hit me up through facebook.
I left Facebook over two years ago. Don't miss it at all. I gave up Tumblr and Twitter too. Now all I have is Instagram, which I keep pretty small, and honestly just follow a bunch of cool tattooers and a few of my friends. I check it two or three times a day and otherwise try really hard to keep myself from wasting too much time on the interwebs.

I wouldn't indulge tumblr using your dick and someone else pushing. I have a couple of FB friends who post stupid shit from tumblr all the time and it's always cringe worthy shit.
I wouldn't indulge tumblr using your dick and someone else pushing. I have a couple of FB friends who post stupid shit from tumblr all the time and it's always cringe worthy shit.

Tumblr was just so full of porn. I mean who doesn't like boobies, but I don't need to look at porn all damn day. Most social media has just been a gigantic waste of time. I've started reading more and doing yoga instead of sitting online for hours staring at facebook. I'll take twenty minutes in the morning to read through this site and some news, but other than that I'm on an internet diet!
I think the quality of your FB experience is almost entirely dictated by your friends and your own posts.

This, especially applied here:

I wouldn't indulge tumblr using your dick and someone else pushing. I have a couple of FB friends who post stupid shit from tumblr all the time and it's always cringe worthy shit.

Tumblr was just so full of porn. I mean who doesn't like boobies, but I don't need to look at porn all damn day. Most social media has just been a gigantic waste of time.

I've found good uses with both Tumblr and Pinterest as aggregators of general shit I like. As long as you're targeting your follows/adds/posts regularly and trimming off the fat as you go, they all can be incredibly useful/powerful tools.
Tumblr was just so full of porn. I mean who doesn't like boobies, but I don't need to look at porn all damn day. Most social media has just been a gigantic waste of time. I've started reading more and doing yoga instead of sitting online for hours staring at facebook. I'll take twenty minutes in the morning to read through this site and some news, but other than that I'm on an internet diet!

I dont have facebook page or other social network but I share your vision, I want to get away more and more of the internet. I feel I am wasting my life in a front of a screen, too many hours a day. Learning nothing at all. But I still love this forum.

I also want to read more books, see old classic movie, love old classic shit, listening to more music, exercise more. It´s ironic the explosion of the social networks and all the evolution but in the end I think the time spent in those things makes us more lonely than ever.
My problem with Facebook is more about how much information we get per day. I did something I had not done in months or years today : I read the national geographic magazine from the beginning, taking my time, watching every picture, reading any little line, and trying to connect with the articles. It felt cool and rare. I might trim my Facebook feed a bit because I just get too much of nonsense these days. EDIT : I think the day I have a simpler life geographically speaking I will quit Facebook, at least from a daily use. Maybe starting by trimming it a lot, then cutting it for a week and see how it goes and how much I missed or gained from it, and reeducate me into having a local life. It's a lovely tool if used properly, but it's also overwhelming.
What I ended up doing is un-following the people that were clogging up my wall with bullshit. I think I'm gonna ween myself off of Facebook all together and start reading paperback more. the only reason I get in Facebook now is to play Candy Crush Saga.
I still like it. It's a good way to passively keep up with people. If someone spams with conspiracy theories or useless stuff I just unfollow them. I have turned internet acquaintances in to legit friendships b/c of FB and FB messenger so my overall opinion is positive. To be honest, despite the creep factor it's also a far better aggregator of news I care about than TV or newspapers. I think the quality of your FB experience is almost entirely dictated by your friends and your own posts.
On an aside, the NSA monitors the internet on a ISP level so unless you're willing to surrender all things telcom abstaining from any one platform shields you from nothing (in the US). Yeah, avoiding FB, Twitter, Google, Apple, and microsoft may provide you some minimal additional privacy but the bottom line is that you can assume any internet conversation is easily monitored.

The experience is generally what you make it. As much as I'm not fond of FB selectively tailoring your news feed based on your browsing habits, you can generally pick and choose what you want to see by unfollowing whomever you want. It became much more challenging for those of us managing business pages when they decided to extort us to get in touch with our follower base, so unfortunately personal pages are starting to double back as business pages.

Re: the privacy stuff, you're not safe anywhere. Gmail, Dropbox, your browser, your OS, your smartphone etc. are all compromised. This is just the natural result of our intelligence agencies' vast over-reach and our continual loss of individual rights. It's a topic for another discussion, but save to say that if you leave Facebook for privacy concerns, you had better drop off the grid entirely if you want nobody to be able to monitor you. Just go in with the notion that anything and everything you store or share online can be brought up, and leave as much sensitive data offline as you possibly can.

For some reason I just get the feeling, just some warm, fuzzy, feeling, totally unwarranted, just a gut feeling, nothing more, nothing that has to do with putting all the geographical pieces together, just some totally random, likely useless feeling which should probably be ignored that it might be just a little bit safer to stay away from Facebook and friends and their NSA perv bed buddies. Just a hunch. Pay no mind to it.

After 6 months of total fucking nothing, no PC, nearly no Phone, no whatever, just me, enjoying life and sometimes friends visiting me (Did this the second time), I'm on facebook again since a couple of weeks and it's kinda funny. It's simple...don't take things seriously!! I Don't wanna be too philsophical or guruish, but this song/lyrcis seems to be the perfect instruction for enjoying facebook or life generally :D :P

Sorry^ didn't find a video with lyrics that has better quality.

Greeting to all of you, mates!! My name is Flex McGregg on FB, if you wanna add me. Cheers, Felix
After 6 months of total fucking nothing, no PC, nearly no Phone, no whatever, just me, enjoying life and sometimes friends visiting me (Did this the second time), I'm on facebook again since a couple of weeks and it's kinda funny. It's simple...don't take things seriously!! I Don't wanna be too philsophical or guruish, but this song/lyrcis seems to be the perfect instruction for enjoying facebook or life generally :D :P

Sorry^ didn't find a video with lyrics that has better quality.

Greeting to all of you, mates!! My name is Flex McGregg on FB, if you wanna add me. Cheers, Felix

Added you back Felix, nice to see you around again!
I avoided the ciabook thing for a long time, got the occasional '"OMG you don't have a facebook why? You should get one!"
Once I finally made an account 2 years ago, those ppl added me, then basically proceeded to never speak to me :lol: I guess trying to show off lots of 'friends' was still a thing back then..

Personally I don't like to publish stuff, I think uploading things -with a lack of proper context- can rather easily look like vanity, insecurity, wanna be famous, etc, even when ppl don't mean it like that. In any case, I don't see the need to share triviality with people I hated in high school or college :lol: "I'm taking the cat to the vet today, hope fluffy gets better!" Who the fuck cares.
Oh and forget about privacy on the internet that's like discussing dry water

I agree that unfriending/unfollowing obnoxious people and subscribing to feeds you like, it can turn it into an ok experience.
Or really painful to watch the girl of your dreams having a family of her own nowadays :erk:

Nowadays I ended up getting 2 fb accounts, one personal and another for business.. who would have thought :lol:
I think the problem with facebook is that people start to forget that they are on the internet.. you shouldn't take what people post on facebook to seriously, even though most people seem to take it way to seriously.
I have many friends that are great people IRL, but on facebook they come of as whiney emo douchebags that i would never have connected with in the first place if that really was how they behaved as people.