Gavin and Lars-The Secret is Out


Apr 8, 2005
Lars Marthinsenof Oslo, Norway and Gavin Harper of Middle Perth, Scotland were charged with indecent exposure when they were caught having anal sex on a park bench on New Years Eve in Oslo. So far, 23 norwegian boys and girls have gone into shock from the sight of Lars' penis, and Mr. Harpers immensly hairy scottish baws. Upon being sighted, Lars was immediately caught, while Gavin was aprehended
minutes later, after tripping on his trailing pubic hair.

this is what we believe the seen might have looked like to a passerby.....

Apart from the anal bit, that's a lie, they're both gentlemen and just good friends. Only into mild fisting and the odd bit of rimming on birthdays and such.
its a sad state of affairs when the only time someone will rim you is for your birthday. rimming should be an all-year round kinda event.
Draznog said:
whats the diffrence between anal lube and regular lube? anal lube has a muscle relaxent in it.

How do you know that Draz?? :lol::lol::Spin: