Gay but new! Poser tries to make a name building new shit!


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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Ok so here it is. Working on a new complete "hobo" custum guitar. With an Emg 81 at the stable and a "Sustainiac" at bridge. Anyone (bobvex) know of a place to find the body to fit these mics, Ibanez feel is a must ie. no cool bodies like Les Paul or B. C. crapola. Are there wiring difficulties with working active/passive mics. what are the split options on this 1/1 or 1/4?

ps. What was that whacked BC R. model called that was way off, looked like half a rich bitch crossed with a sting ray?
If you're wiring an active/passive.. Put in a 2way switch cause when you run them together it'll sound like wank..

The best way to wire them together is by a two way switch where you can have either one or another. Wire them so the EMG has no contact with the sustaniac between the pup / The output jack with a seperate volume control for each and there will be NO problems at all.

Bodies: Try a cheapass "shine" guitar. You can get neckthru's on ebay for £250.. They're pieces of wank but with the correct ammount of TLC, New hardware and some adjustments, they look like they could be halfway decent guitars.
well if you are talking about wiring a emg 81 and a sustainiac, the sustainiac is going to HAVE to go in the neck position, just like every other type of sustainer, theres no getting around it, and you wont have to worry about wiring passive and actives together with that setup, you will have to worry about batteries getting eatten up though, the sustainiac lasts about 12 hours per 9v and you will definatly want to take the guitar to a tech to have a sustainer installed, they are not an easy job