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Press release 2/23/03

Hail black legions. The time has come to make war on the forces of nu metal
and pop rock. A metal Inquisition has been organized and will burn the
opposition. A council of 12 with a democratic form, including three elements,
The Court of Metal inquisition, the advisory committee and intelligence
committee that together comprise The Metal Inquisition will make war on all
that is weak and non metal. The Inquisition's dictates will be final. It's
organizational influence completely fascist.
The Inquisition will be made up of members who are musicians, music press,
record label owners and long time metal fans. We will inquire into your musical
tastes and if your not a metal head you might end up dead, with our sentence of
Death. Our bible is the song "Metal Inquisition". Our interpretation of our
duty comes from it's words. We will issue death sentences to be carried out at
a future date to those who do not conform and continue to pervert metal. We
will review Music and give it either a pass or fail. If it passes the band or
label will have the option to use our "Metal Inquisition approved" labels on
it's release. A sort of "kosher" tax that will be very small to start.
At first we will be mocked and scorned but in due time we will be a respected
organization where the gods of metal will come, kneel at our feet to receive
our blessing. Metal will forever be pure and that wretch that is nu metal will
This is our vision for the future. The Metal Inquisition needs members to
fulfill it's duty. Most urgently needed would be a web master who can set up
our web site. All meetings will be done via e-mail. If you are interested in
selfless service to real metal of all the non commercial styles contact the
Metal Inquisition at

Soon we will rule the world.....

Chairmen, The Metal Inquisition
Bull. The christians would unite their militaries and kill them all. Seriously. Anyway, that statement makes them as horrible as the people who ruin music, the people who dislike free speech, and want the world to become one big concentration camp. I say fuck them, people do have a right to their own shitty music, as long as they don't mock mine. Hell, they can mock mine, but they'd better be able to back their words up.
I never said I took it seriously, please don't ever assume that. I stated why it couldn't even happen if they really planned it.