GCX/Ground Control questions and help.


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I'm planning on investing in a DMC GCX and Ground Control in the future. I'm trying to do up a bit of research and everything for how I'm going to hook this up once I get em, but I need some ideas and help with how I'm going to do this.

I'm using a Mesa Triaxis/TC G-Major/Mesa 2:90 currently. I have a NS-2 that I will have in the rack once I have the GCX. I also have (and hope to add to my setup) a TS9, Boss Super Shifter...I have a few other pedals that I could throw in there as well.

The issue/question I'm having is how I would set this up. One concern is how the individual loops respond/color/etc the signal passing through. My logic says run everything through the fx loop on the triaxis, but having a unit which provides 8 more individual loops makes me only wonder. Looking at sample diagrams, nothing is really explaining it the way I am curious about.

I was planning on having it kinda set up with my noise suppressor in the first loop, TS9 in the second (so I can program patches to have one or the other on or off depending on what I have on my channel...I don't need NS or OD on my clean channel, for example).

What is eluding me is what to do after that. I can put the triaxis between sections 2 and 3 and have a bunch of shit afterwards...or I can have section 2 go into the input on the triaxis, and have the other sections in the fx loop of the triaxis, while having the outputs on the triaxis go straight to the 2:90.
My thoughts are that since it should be favorable to have everything in the fx loop of the triaxis that will be coloring the sound, then thats what I should do...am I overthinking how much I need to put into setting this up with the GCX? It seems all the diagrams I come across either have stuff in series (between the pre and power), none emphasising on using the fx loop on the triaxis, but when they are talking about using a head they do use the fx loop.

Any thoughts?

I also want to utilize the stereo returns/stereo power amp functions like I currently am. In the past, when I had to play a gig without my other guitar player, I set my rig up with a harmonizer on only one channel to cover in place of him being gone. That and having ping-pong delays and shit that I can use have been pretty cool. I'm also digging the idea of having one cab dry and one wet, but that changes the idea of having stereo effects.
They havn't caught my attention enough. I'd rather have my pedals in my rack and controlled out front than a pedalboard with all the pedals on it and a controller running them: might as well just leave the pedals there with no controller.