G'day From BOUSTville, Australia


The Good Doctor
Jul 26, 2004
Hey peeps. My name is Doctor Extreem and I am from a mighty bard called WAY OF THE EXTREME. The band is just whacky really. We just get silly ideas and make songs. Like Hunt, Dog, Murder for example. That is about our band going around killing dogs... Silly! Or Cunt Face. That is about this crazy guy who is sick to death of females and his girlfriend that he decides to go to her house and stab her in the MUT and wear it on his face.... people will call him cuntface... cuntface..;..cuntface.........anyways...

Well we're doing pretty damn good on http://www.mp3.com.au/wayoftheextreme. We're coming 2nd in the top 100 of the "unknown" section. Our song "Alfonz likes you" is 1st on the unknown section aswell as a few more in the top 20. We fucking rule.... well not really but you might enjoy us a little... if you dont take it serious...

We'll be getting more gigs after christmas so if any of you goons are in Sydney look out for us.

Peace my brothers

The Good Doctor
Profanity said:
Welcome to UM. Loads of Australians have been registering recently.
Probably because of DUNGEON! They are amazing. I joined this forum because of them aswell as the other goons that came with me to see them for the 1st time.

Aussie metal is getting huge now. Its bigger then I've ever seen it (which really isn't that long). All we need now is an Aussie METAL FEST. We could have it here in BOUSTville and call it BOUST Fest...


Peace my brothers

The Good Doctor