I thought I would post this here before I head over to craigslist since I like you guys better.
I'm going to want actual value for these, so bargain shoppers look elsewhere
Please feel free to make a reasonable offer!
(I'm in the North Texas/DFW Area. I'm not too interested in shipping for the cabs and the head. Though, that depends a little on how much money you have...)
I've also got a few microphones I'd like to sell. I'll edit later to include those. Don't remember the model #'s at the moment.
I'm going to want actual value for these, so bargain shoppers look elsewhere

(I'm in the North Texas/DFW Area. I'm not too interested in shipping for the cabs and the head. Though, that depends a little on how much money you have...)
- 1 Ampeg SVT Classic bass head in perfect condition.
- 1 Old (not sure what year) American Ampeg 810 (it's the one with only two 1/4" inputs, some rips in the tolex)
- 1 Mesa OS cab in perfect condition
- 1 Sansamp PSA-1
- 1 BBE Sonic Maximizer (the old blue one)
- 1 M-Audio Delta 1010 audio interface (with PCI card and power adapter)
- 1 MOTU 828 audio interface
I've also got a few microphones I'd like to sell. I'll edit later to include those. Don't remember the model #'s at the moment.