Geist Kainsmal
Cold Dimensions dimension5 July 10, 2006
By Wayward_Son
This one came as a pleasant surprise. Kainsmal is German horde Geists second full-length album. Having been released on the exclusive quality-over-quantity label Cold Dimensions, this writer had high hopes for Kainsmal. It did not disappoint.
Geist play a form of haunting mid-paced black metal, bringing to mind the excellent and fellow German band, Lunar Aurora, and at times, the forgotten French legion Hirilorn. The six songs have a sense of ghostly presence that speaks while listening, if you, Faithful Reader, allow yourself to be immersed. Einst war es Wein particularly has this power of other, and is a remarkable piece of German Black Metal.
As for the music on Kainsmal, it is mostly mid-paced black metal with superb melodies throughout, with mystical keyboards inserted only at the opportune places. The vocals are of a standard black metal gravel-throated roar that fortunately allows the songs to grow both with their presence and without.
Faithful Reader, this writer will not lie to you and state that Geist will be the next big thing in black metal. This band most likely wants to remain part of a pure underground, where only true devotees dare search. So, if you feel the need to escape the typical, give Geist a try. They will not expand the scope of black metal, but they might expand your tastes and inspire to look beyond the accepted.
Official Geist Website
Official Cold Dimensions Website
Cold Dimensions dimension5 July 10, 2006
By Wayward_Son

This one came as a pleasant surprise. Kainsmal is German horde Geists second full-length album. Having been released on the exclusive quality-over-quantity label Cold Dimensions, this writer had high hopes for Kainsmal. It did not disappoint.
Geist play a form of haunting mid-paced black metal, bringing to mind the excellent and fellow German band, Lunar Aurora, and at times, the forgotten French legion Hirilorn. The six songs have a sense of ghostly presence that speaks while listening, if you, Faithful Reader, allow yourself to be immersed. Einst war es Wein particularly has this power of other, and is a remarkable piece of German Black Metal.
As for the music on Kainsmal, it is mostly mid-paced black metal with superb melodies throughout, with mystical keyboards inserted only at the opportune places. The vocals are of a standard black metal gravel-throated roar that fortunately allows the songs to grow both with their presence and without.
Faithful Reader, this writer will not lie to you and state that Geist will be the next big thing in black metal. This band most likely wants to remain part of a pure underground, where only true devotees dare search. So, if you feel the need to escape the typical, give Geist a try. They will not expand the scope of black metal, but they might expand your tastes and inspire to look beyond the accepted.
Official Geist Website
Official Cold Dimensions Website