Gene Simmons new show...Family Jewels


New Metal Member
May 25, 2006
I saw a commercial for a new family reality show on A&E, its Gene Simmons Famiyl Jewels. Actually looked pretty good so I'm going to check it out. Anyone else captivated by this guy?
Not in the least bit. He is a greedy bastard from a no-talent, overrated band.

I don't think that there's a thing in the world that this guy won't make money off of. I remember when Dimebag was killed he was on Fox News with Rita Crosby telling her how much Dimebag was a fan of Kiss and other crap that was really unimportant at the time. And also he had to show a nice picture of his fancy new, 'I gotta have it!' Kiss merchandise, the great Kiss Coffin that Dimebag wanted to be buried in.

What a piece of crap. No class.
Well I actually watched it on Monday night and guess what... it was pretty damn good! Anybody else watch it or plans to next Monday?