General Surgery - Corpus in Extremis: Analysing Necrocriticism

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
General Surgery - Corpus in Extremis: Analysing Necrocriticism
Listenable Records - 2009
By Adam McAuley


An aggressive platter is delivered here by General Surgery. They bring an assortment of riffs to the table which have a high veracity present in them. The band sounds somewhat like Carcass circa Necroticism, which is a great album to emulate by all means. They share the same passion to their death metal delights although there are some differences in the sound of these two albums. We can see a slightly more straightforward platter performed by General Surgery with just massive chops present here and there. They don’t delve into the level of nuances you’ll find on Necroticism, but rather carve out defining rhythms that have a bit more of a potent effect.

The song structures are short and to the point with a little more to hold your interest than you’ll find within more grind type approaches. The result is an album that has just the right death metal mix to hold its own and a distinct enough approach to make it relevant in the more modern death metal field. All of the songs have a quick impact upon you, but “Virulent Corpus Dispersement” had a pretty large effect upon me in particular. The band manages to make their point upon you quickly and this is a great way to put their harsh tendencies as greatly as possible.

We can only hope that they surpass some of Carcass’ material in future offerings as the stuff on display shows great promise for greater things in the future.

Official General Surgery Website
Official General Surgery My Space
Official Listenable Records Website