Genius songs by non-genius bands

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
I think we had a thread like this once, but I can't be arsed to find it.

Anyway, I don't mean to discredit WZ as a band or anything--their shit is good headblasting fun, especially this time of year. But OH BOY they never did anything close to the greatness of this:

I'll think of more in a bit, I'm sure.
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If you dont mind my asking, and with all due respect: why in the world would you consider WZ a non-genius band?
White Zombie were genius. That is one of their best songs, which means it's tied for #1 with about 25 others. I still spin that shit on a regular basis, just as good as it once was. Sometimes it sounds a little dated, but then you turn the volume up and KABOOM.

I could probably come up with some pop stuff, but normally that whole One Song Rules thing makes me uninterested, because I'm outdated and still prefer albums. Oh yeah there's one Smiths song that rocks complete face but the rest of that band, and everything else related to it, fucking sucks.

Although actually I'd give 98.2497% credit to the tremolo effect therein. The remaining credit goes to the slide. Not the guitarist, nor that line, but the slide itself.
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Eh, these days I don't bother defending bands I like. It's pretty much "Yeah, I can see how someone could hate them" and just leave it at that. Because most of the time it's true.

Except for Bowie. I don't see how ANYONE could dislike Bowie.
My drummer hates almost the entirety of '90s rock. Obviously we get along on other musical levels, my response to that disagreement is always: "Your loss dude." :loco: