Genuinely moving 'clean' tracks


Jul 25, 2014
Metal is full of the shittiest power ballads as they call em, but metal is also full of some of the best song-writers around and rarely but sometimes, there are genuinely moving gems.

Here's one that always surprises me each time I listen to it, with its quality. It's AMAZINGLY well-written. Like, strikingly.

What ya sluts got ?
Interesting topic.

Personally I’m more interested in genuinely moving extreme metal tracks, particularly death metal as it’s much rarer.
Borderline metal, but moving none the less.

hey yeah not bad, that verse is quite catchy.

I CAN'T fkng remember the name of this short instrumental, heck I can't even remember which band it is lol, not a totally obscure one, rather one that most metal fans know... it's the one in this compilation, but I seriously can't friggin remember at all who wrote it:
I always liked this:

Yeah. I think most death metal know this one. One of the better ones indeed. It's got this very cliché E minor sad song aspect, then with that stereotypical change to C, but at the same time it manages to actually be deep. There's just enough in the writing to separate itself from typical and mainstream. It was the other guitarist, Richard Brunelle, who wrote it, not Azagthoth. Just looked him up right now, he's 54 lol, damn time flies.