Geomancer - Dynamic Musical Array
"I think we would like to be remembered as a band who managed to break down the wall put up by vocalists in music...a band who proved that music comes from the heart and is free to individual interpertation...the meaning of the songs does not have to always be told to you by a singer...we'd like to be rememebered as a band who put 100% feeling into the music and nothing else." - as their guitarist, Patrick Murch stated. We were talking about the talendted band, called Geomancer, he plays in. They are an instrumental metal band, that is not very common at all.
- Pls introduce the band to the readers and where is the band from?
- Hello...we are Geomancer. We're from southeastern Connecti]cut / southwestern Rhode Island in the U.S.A. (on the east coast). Geomancer stands in a place all its own amongst most arrangements of today. Described as a very unique instrumental/technical/melodic/ progressive metal band, Geomancer has a wide array of styles and influences. Geomancer has been compared to such bands as In Flames, Opeth, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, old Metallica, Ebony Tears, Death, and many more. There is not one word to describe the dynamic musical array of Geomancer.
Geomancer started as a project between lead guitar player/song writer, Jon Smith and drummer, Wes Murch. But was finally arranged into a functional band with the addition of Clem Poole on bass and Pat Murch on guitar. Geomancer suffered Clem's decision to leave the band in January. However, a good friend of the band, Elliott Shaw, has recently stepped in to fill the position after a long and fruitless search. In addition, Geomancer is still in search of two violin players to take permanent position. Even though Geomancer has only been together as a whole band for about a year, anyone who catches a listen of their sound is almost always blown away. Geomancer has gained a surprising amount of fans and praise throughout the world in a relatively short time. Due to a sound that is a rarity in this world. From melodic dueling harmony solos, to strange time signatures, to brutal heavy parts, to peaceful acoustic and violin sections, Geomancer displays a complete spectrum of musical styles and appreciation. Geomancer is still busy promoting their sound worldwide. They are looking forward to collaborating with world-renowned artist, John Avon, for the CD artwork. The official release of Geomancer's debut album entitled, Dawn, is still to be decided. Nevertheless, demos of this album are available and are plunging themselves into sound waves across the globe.
For all information, shows, images, etc. on Geomancer, please visit, or contact
- Who are you and what do you do (in the band)?
- I'm Patrick Murch and I play one of the guitars in the band.
- What does the band`s name Geomancer mean?
- Geomancer means something like an earthly 'body' or entity that is basically one with, powered by, and a 'wizard' of the earth.
- Who're your major influences?
- Ohhh...there are so many, so many new influences every day. Mostly underground bands...but some more famous...Opeth, Death, Spastic Ink, Metallica, Dream Theater, Shadows Fall, Ebony Tears, Herbie Hancock, Sean Malone & Gordian Knot, Rob Jarzombek, Blind Guardian, Vitalij Kuprij...the list goes on! I also can't speak for the whole band.
- What inspires you when you compose the music?
- Well, I have not actually written any of the music for Geomancer (yet). So I guess I cannot really answer this question.
- What kind of music do you play?
- I really hate to put a label on it...and on any music for that matter. I don't like to get concerned and caught up by how music is classified; I'm more concerned if music is meaningful, or has feeling ...if it is intelligent. But unfortunately, the world, and the music industry does not feel the same way I do. So we have been forced, in order for people to get an idea of what we're like, to characterize ourselves as something like Instrumental, melodic, progressive, technical metal...or any of the like. Again, I don't really know what I would call our music. Labels for music are so confining, and often turn people away...I don't like that at all.
- Tell us 3 good reasons why people should listen to you?
1) We are unlike 90% of bands in this world!
2) Our music should be interpreted at a different level
3) We care about making music, not looking good and having a big name!
- How can people hear your music?
- They can hear some of our music on and also also CDs can be obtained directly through us. You would need to email us for the address and payment infos.
Unfortunately, we are not yet well-known enough to have any type of distribution or anything of the sort.
- What song of yours should people listen to before any other?
- I think it matters not. But before anyone denounces us, I think it is important to listen to ALL our songs in full to really grasp what Geomancer is all about.
- Tell us a few words about every song.
- Ninja Forest - Ripping, Shredding, Face-Paced...Ninjas! hahaha!
Tempest- Melodies, Video Games, My hands getting tired!
Journey From Oort - going from laid back, to something very in your face...many peoples' favorite
Progeny - This song to me is, deceiving...I think it also deserves more credit...I enjoy playing it perhaps more than any other song.
- Which bands` fans do you think might like Geomancer`s music? To whom would you recommend to listen to your music?
- I certainly think fans of GOOD MUSIC would definitely enjoy our music. But also fans of Opeth, Blind Guardian, Dream Theater, In Flames, Arch Enemy, Iron Maiden, Helloween, Death, Cynic, Kalmah, Children of Bodom, Malmsteen & all Guitar Guys, Spastic Ink, Metallica.
- You are an instrumental band, why don`t you have a singer?
- Exactly, Katalin...because we're an instrumental band! hahahaha!...Singers all too often ruin bands! And I think everyone knows this is the truth! How many bands have you been turned off to because the singer sucks? ...Too many. Also, it's interesting when people can appreciate music for the feeling and interpret the song in their own way, rather than having some pathetic asshole telling you what the song is about. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy plenty of bands with singers, but I think singers are like a bad tooth for music.
- But have you thought about having a singer in the band? What kind of vocals could you imagine with your music?
- We have thought only a little bit what the band would be like with a where lyrics would fit into the song. Personally, I think if we were to have a singer (which we
won't!), it would have to be a female voice. They almost always sound beautiful, and would compliment our music much better than a terrible man's voice screaming at the top of his lungs!
- Each song on your demo is very long. Did you make them so long on purpose?
- Well, again, I did not write any. But, I do know that when they were written, they were not intended to be so long...they just ended up being that way.
- Have you thought about making an album consisting only one song, like some other band did before?
- I have not yet, but that would be a very interesting idea! The next cluster of songs will be a little bit similar to that, but they will still be separate songs...Almost like Opeth did with
their album "My Arms Your Hearse." If you don't know what I mean...then you must now go and buy that album!
- What's your local scene like? How many opportunity do you have to play live?
- The local 'scene' is decent. For a relatively small area, there is a lot going on. A lot of action. But even more action is in nearby cities. We have had a lot of opportunities to play live, but have not actually taken many. It seems that we have had a lot more opportunities at bad times...such as when I was in Europe, or now that we have no bass player!
- Do you play cover songs?
- No we do not play any covers...however, a Nintendo song or two may make it into the mix one day. (one day)
- You've played at March Metal Meltdown this year. How did this opportunity come about?
- Well, in a way it came about in 2 ways. First, Jon and Wes met Jack Koshick (the promoter and organizer) at last year's Milwaukee Metal Fest. The contact was established and we were
planning on trying to play the Meltdown the following March. But after our bass player quit, we basically lost all momentum we had, and we're not planning to play. But, I received an email from another gentleman partly in charge of booking for the fest. He actually emailed me regarding my former band. Well, I told him the news and the opportunity seemed like something very important, and that we should really try to play.
I thought about friends to possibly fill in for the show on bass. And sure enough, one of our friends played the bass for us, and another the violin for the fest.
- What was the audience reaction on Geomancer at the festival?
- For the most part, I would say it was good. We did sell every CD we brought to the festival that weekend as well. It was a shame, however, that we could not have had a better time slot. I'm sure we were a relief for most people from all the blast-beats and growling at the festival. If we had had a larger crowd, I think the reaction would have been really great.
- What's your best gig memory?
- Well, in a way it was the March Metal Meltdown. Only because this was the first time playing that far from home. And we had a lot of support from friends who traveled far just to see us. We played in front of a whole new crowd, and also probably the biggest crowd we've played in front of. But, also, my best gig memory is the last time we played at a house party. There was lots of beer, and lots of people! And everyone there loved us, and everyone was having a real great time. There was no pressure.
- What's your worst?
- In a way, it was the March Metal Meltdown. Mainly because of all the preparations and things we had to do just to play. It seemed a little excessive. And also the amount of money we had to pay. And the low treatment most of the bands and people there received. It was a bit depressing. Also, the equipment setup we had to use was not very good. Also the sound on stage was poor. But, it was also a gig we played in Massachusetts. A place about an hour and a half from our home. We brought two friends with us. We had to open the show, and well, it turned out that our two friends were most of our audience! The big place was mostly empty except people drinking at the bar!
- If you could play a gig with 3 other bands, who would it be?
- That is a very, very difficult question...but at the moment, I would choose Opeth, Blind Guardian, and Shadows Fall
- What one location in the world would you love to play a gig at?
- To play the Wacken Open Air Festival in Germany would be absolutely fantastic. Perhaps one day!
- Pls tell us a few words about the other members of the band, how would you describe them?
- They are real fun people. Sometimes a little too fun! But we all seem to be mostly on the same page, which is important. I think humor plays a large role in our attitude.
- What was the main reason you became a musician?
- Mainly because a couple friends of mine started playing instruments about 10 years ago. And so I wanted to play with them. So with the help of my dad, I started playing the bass.
- How much time do you spend with practicing?
- At the moment, the band has not practiced together much. Without a bass player, we really are stuck and cannot do much. But I personally, spend quite a bit of time practicing by
myself. And I think I can say this is true for the other members of the band.
- How many instruments do you play on?
- Well, in the band I only play the guitar. But aside from that I play drums, bass, and some terrible violin!
- How much time do you spend with the band generally?
- I spend quite a bit of time with Wes, because he is my brother. I don't spend a whole lot of time with Jon. But this is mostly cause he lives about a half hour's drive from us.
- What do you like more, composing your songs, jamming or playing live?
- Definitely playing live! But also jamming is great because that is where you can try new things and if they sound bad, no one is there to hear them! All I can say is recording is my
least favorite!
- What are your plans for the future?
- As far as the band goes...I cannot say. We don't want to make too many plans, instead just take things as they come. But I personally, would like to study music much more, and also
do a lot of traveling.
- What's the first word that comes to mind when you see the word MANOWAR!
- Ohmygod!!!
- What do you think of the current metal magazines? Which rock, and which are shit?
- I pretty much don't read any magazines. I've looked at a few. The ones we have here in the U.S. SUCK! Magazines like Rockhard and Hammer are petty good form what I can tell from my quick looks.
- Any message for your fans and the UM masses?
- Know any bass players??? Hahahahaha!
And some personal question:
Fav. musician/band: A very Hard question indeed! At the moment, I would say a tie among Opeth, Herbie Hancock, and the Doors
Fav. movie: A very hard question! I'll say a tie among Pulp Fiction, Indiana Jones, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Star Wars, and History of the World Part I
Fav. writer/book: Fyodor Dostoevsky
How do you like to spend your free time: Being sucked in by Opeth! Reading, experimenting with guitar, time with friends, sleeping, listening to music, going to see bands, traveling
(when possible), probably some other stuff too!
Your current playlist: OPETH - all albums all day long!, Rob Jarzombek & Spastic Ink, Gordian Knot, Aghora, a lot of Jazz - Herbie Hancock & Jaco Pastorius, also a lot of the Doors
What band's concert have you seen last: Opeth!!!!
When you are going to see your favorite bands at a concert, are you listening to them as a musician or as a fan?: I would say mostly a musician because that is probably why I like the band...catchy and 'rockin' bands have only a small piece of my liking...Musicianship is key for me.
What are you doing for a living?: Cough, cough...working at a coffee shop!
Do you have a musical conception you would like to make, that differs from the music you play now?: Yes actually I do...but perhaps I should not say!
Geomancer Homepage
"I think we would like to be remembered as a band who managed to break down the wall put up by vocalists in music...a band who proved that music comes from the heart and is free to individual interpertation...the meaning of the songs does not have to always be told to you by a singer...we'd like to be rememebered as a band who put 100% feeling into the music and nothing else." - as their guitarist, Patrick Murch stated. We were talking about the talendted band, called Geomancer, he plays in. They are an instrumental metal band, that is not very common at all.

- Pls introduce the band to the readers and where is the band from?
- Hello...we are Geomancer. We're from southeastern Connecti]cut / southwestern Rhode Island in the U.S.A. (on the east coast). Geomancer stands in a place all its own amongst most arrangements of today. Described as a very unique instrumental/technical/melodic/ progressive metal band, Geomancer has a wide array of styles and influences. Geomancer has been compared to such bands as In Flames, Opeth, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, old Metallica, Ebony Tears, Death, and many more. There is not one word to describe the dynamic musical array of Geomancer.
Geomancer started as a project between lead guitar player/song writer, Jon Smith and drummer, Wes Murch. But was finally arranged into a functional band with the addition of Clem Poole on bass and Pat Murch on guitar. Geomancer suffered Clem's decision to leave the band in January. However, a good friend of the band, Elliott Shaw, has recently stepped in to fill the position after a long and fruitless search. In addition, Geomancer is still in search of two violin players to take permanent position. Even though Geomancer has only been together as a whole band for about a year, anyone who catches a listen of their sound is almost always blown away. Geomancer has gained a surprising amount of fans and praise throughout the world in a relatively short time. Due to a sound that is a rarity in this world. From melodic dueling harmony solos, to strange time signatures, to brutal heavy parts, to peaceful acoustic and violin sections, Geomancer displays a complete spectrum of musical styles and appreciation. Geomancer is still busy promoting their sound worldwide. They are looking forward to collaborating with world-renowned artist, John Avon, for the CD artwork. The official release of Geomancer's debut album entitled, Dawn, is still to be decided. Nevertheless, demos of this album are available and are plunging themselves into sound waves across the globe.
For all information, shows, images, etc. on Geomancer, please visit, or contact
- Who are you and what do you do (in the band)?
- I'm Patrick Murch and I play one of the guitars in the band.
- What does the band`s name Geomancer mean?
- Geomancer means something like an earthly 'body' or entity that is basically one with, powered by, and a 'wizard' of the earth.
- Who're your major influences?
- Ohhh...there are so many, so many new influences every day. Mostly underground bands...but some more famous...Opeth, Death, Spastic Ink, Metallica, Dream Theater, Shadows Fall, Ebony Tears, Herbie Hancock, Sean Malone & Gordian Knot, Rob Jarzombek, Blind Guardian, Vitalij Kuprij...the list goes on! I also can't speak for the whole band.
- What inspires you when you compose the music?
- Well, I have not actually written any of the music for Geomancer (yet). So I guess I cannot really answer this question.
- What kind of music do you play?
- I really hate to put a label on it...and on any music for that matter. I don't like to get concerned and caught up by how music is classified; I'm more concerned if music is meaningful, or has feeling ...if it is intelligent. But unfortunately, the world, and the music industry does not feel the same way I do. So we have been forced, in order for people to get an idea of what we're like, to characterize ourselves as something like Instrumental, melodic, progressive, technical metal...or any of the like. Again, I don't really know what I would call our music. Labels for music are so confining, and often turn people away...I don't like that at all.

- Tell us 3 good reasons why people should listen to you?
1) We are unlike 90% of bands in this world!
2) Our music should be interpreted at a different level
3) We care about making music, not looking good and having a big name!
- How can people hear your music?
- They can hear some of our music on and also also CDs can be obtained directly through us. You would need to email us for the address and payment infos.
Unfortunately, we are not yet well-known enough to have any type of distribution or anything of the sort.
- What song of yours should people listen to before any other?
- I think it matters not. But before anyone denounces us, I think it is important to listen to ALL our songs in full to really grasp what Geomancer is all about.
- Tell us a few words about every song.
- Ninja Forest - Ripping, Shredding, Face-Paced...Ninjas! hahaha!
Tempest- Melodies, Video Games, My hands getting tired!
Journey From Oort - going from laid back, to something very in your face...many peoples' favorite
Progeny - This song to me is, deceiving...I think it also deserves more credit...I enjoy playing it perhaps more than any other song.
- Which bands` fans do you think might like Geomancer`s music? To whom would you recommend to listen to your music?
- I certainly think fans of GOOD MUSIC would definitely enjoy our music. But also fans of Opeth, Blind Guardian, Dream Theater, In Flames, Arch Enemy, Iron Maiden, Helloween, Death, Cynic, Kalmah, Children of Bodom, Malmsteen & all Guitar Guys, Spastic Ink, Metallica.
- You are an instrumental band, why don`t you have a singer?
- Exactly, Katalin...because we're an instrumental band! hahahaha!...Singers all too often ruin bands! And I think everyone knows this is the truth! How many bands have you been turned off to because the singer sucks? ...Too many. Also, it's interesting when people can appreciate music for the feeling and interpret the song in their own way, rather than having some pathetic asshole telling you what the song is about. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy plenty of bands with singers, but I think singers are like a bad tooth for music.

- But have you thought about having a singer in the band? What kind of vocals could you imagine with your music?
- We have thought only a little bit what the band would be like with a where lyrics would fit into the song. Personally, I think if we were to have a singer (which we
won't!), it would have to be a female voice. They almost always sound beautiful, and would compliment our music much better than a terrible man's voice screaming at the top of his lungs!
- Each song on your demo is very long. Did you make them so long on purpose?
- Well, again, I did not write any. But, I do know that when they were written, they were not intended to be so long...they just ended up being that way.
- Have you thought about making an album consisting only one song, like some other band did before?
- I have not yet, but that would be a very interesting idea! The next cluster of songs will be a little bit similar to that, but they will still be separate songs...Almost like Opeth did with
their album "My Arms Your Hearse." If you don't know what I mean...then you must now go and buy that album!
- What's your local scene like? How many opportunity do you have to play live?
- The local 'scene' is decent. For a relatively small area, there is a lot going on. A lot of action. But even more action is in nearby cities. We have had a lot of opportunities to play live, but have not actually taken many. It seems that we have had a lot more opportunities at bad times...such as when I was in Europe, or now that we have no bass player!
- Do you play cover songs?
- No we do not play any covers...however, a Nintendo song or two may make it into the mix one day. (one day)
- You've played at March Metal Meltdown this year. How did this opportunity come about?
- Well, in a way it came about in 2 ways. First, Jon and Wes met Jack Koshick (the promoter and organizer) at last year's Milwaukee Metal Fest. The contact was established and we were
planning on trying to play the Meltdown the following March. But after our bass player quit, we basically lost all momentum we had, and we're not planning to play. But, I received an email from another gentleman partly in charge of booking for the fest. He actually emailed me regarding my former band. Well, I told him the news and the opportunity seemed like something very important, and that we should really try to play.
I thought about friends to possibly fill in for the show on bass. And sure enough, one of our friends played the bass for us, and another the violin for the fest.

- What was the audience reaction on Geomancer at the festival?
- For the most part, I would say it was good. We did sell every CD we brought to the festival that weekend as well. It was a shame, however, that we could not have had a better time slot. I'm sure we were a relief for most people from all the blast-beats and growling at the festival. If we had had a larger crowd, I think the reaction would have been really great.
- What's your best gig memory?
- Well, in a way it was the March Metal Meltdown. Only because this was the first time playing that far from home. And we had a lot of support from friends who traveled far just to see us. We played in front of a whole new crowd, and also probably the biggest crowd we've played in front of. But, also, my best gig memory is the last time we played at a house party. There was lots of beer, and lots of people! And everyone there loved us, and everyone was having a real great time. There was no pressure.
- What's your worst?
- In a way, it was the March Metal Meltdown. Mainly because of all the preparations and things we had to do just to play. It seemed a little excessive. And also the amount of money we had to pay. And the low treatment most of the bands and people there received. It was a bit depressing. Also, the equipment setup we had to use was not very good. Also the sound on stage was poor. But, it was also a gig we played in Massachusetts. A place about an hour and a half from our home. We brought two friends with us. We had to open the show, and well, it turned out that our two friends were most of our audience! The big place was mostly empty except people drinking at the bar!
- If you could play a gig with 3 other bands, who would it be?
- That is a very, very difficult question...but at the moment, I would choose Opeth, Blind Guardian, and Shadows Fall
- What one location in the world would you love to play a gig at?
- To play the Wacken Open Air Festival in Germany would be absolutely fantastic. Perhaps one day!
- Pls tell us a few words about the other members of the band, how would you describe them?
- They are real fun people. Sometimes a little too fun! But we all seem to be mostly on the same page, which is important. I think humor plays a large role in our attitude.

- What was the main reason you became a musician?
- Mainly because a couple friends of mine started playing instruments about 10 years ago. And so I wanted to play with them. So with the help of my dad, I started playing the bass.
- How much time do you spend with practicing?
- At the moment, the band has not practiced together much. Without a bass player, we really are stuck and cannot do much. But I personally, spend quite a bit of time practicing by
myself. And I think I can say this is true for the other members of the band.
- How many instruments do you play on?
- Well, in the band I only play the guitar. But aside from that I play drums, bass, and some terrible violin!
- How much time do you spend with the band generally?
- I spend quite a bit of time with Wes, because he is my brother. I don't spend a whole lot of time with Jon. But this is mostly cause he lives about a half hour's drive from us.
- What do you like more, composing your songs, jamming or playing live?
- Definitely playing live! But also jamming is great because that is where you can try new things and if they sound bad, no one is there to hear them! All I can say is recording is my
least favorite!
- What are your plans for the future?
- As far as the band goes...I cannot say. We don't want to make too many plans, instead just take things as they come. But I personally, would like to study music much more, and also
do a lot of traveling.
- What's the first word that comes to mind when you see the word MANOWAR!
- Ohmygod!!!
- What do you think of the current metal magazines? Which rock, and which are shit?
- I pretty much don't read any magazines. I've looked at a few. The ones we have here in the U.S. SUCK! Magazines like Rockhard and Hammer are petty good form what I can tell from my quick looks.
- Any message for your fans and the UM masses?
- Know any bass players??? Hahahahaha!
And some personal question:
Fav. musician/band: A very Hard question indeed! At the moment, I would say a tie among Opeth, Herbie Hancock, and the Doors
Fav. movie: A very hard question! I'll say a tie among Pulp Fiction, Indiana Jones, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Star Wars, and History of the World Part I
Fav. writer/book: Fyodor Dostoevsky
How do you like to spend your free time: Being sucked in by Opeth! Reading, experimenting with guitar, time with friends, sleeping, listening to music, going to see bands, traveling
(when possible), probably some other stuff too!
Your current playlist: OPETH - all albums all day long!, Rob Jarzombek & Spastic Ink, Gordian Knot, Aghora, a lot of Jazz - Herbie Hancock & Jaco Pastorius, also a lot of the Doors
What band's concert have you seen last: Opeth!!!!
When you are going to see your favorite bands at a concert, are you listening to them as a musician or as a fan?: I would say mostly a musician because that is probably why I like the band...catchy and 'rockin' bands have only a small piece of my liking...Musicianship is key for me.
What are you doing for a living?: Cough, cough...working at a coffee shop!
Do you have a musical conception you would like to make, that differs from the music you play now?: Yes actually I do...but perhaps I should not say!
Geomancer Homepage