Geomancer - Euro Demo

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Geomancer - Euro Demo
Self-released - Demo
By Adam McAuley


Geomancer are an instrumental metal quartet from the United States. This isn't quite the type of shredding you'd expect from a band like Liquid Tension Experiment, but a more tasteful breed of instrumetal. There's a very subtle eighties metal influence running throughout the disc; something that has obviously been taken from the thrash and traditional metal Gods from the days of yore.

At times when listening to the record I wondered if this is what Metallica would have sounded like had they developed their instrumentals into a more complete, album's worth, of material. But that thought doesn't really do Geomancer justice. They have so much more to offer, including some nice non-electric guitar segues and atmospheric effects. There's a distinct feeling that these men enjoy what they’re doing, and it shows time and time again. When a riff is developped, it is carried through an addictive jamming section. These jams comprise a good portion of the disc, and thankfully do not verge on over-indulgent antics at any point whatsoever. Solos are also tasteful and intermingle or layer nicely with the riffs beneath. Highlight tracks are difficult to pinpoint as everything is equally well-done, but I will say that some of the interesting futuristic and atmosphere-enhancing effects in the "Tempest" are particularly worthy of merit.

Now there is one major flaw to be found here; the production is absolutely awful. This is unfortunate, because the instruments aren't given the potential to shine through and enrapture you as they would be with a pristine production job. But aside from this, the demo is very solid indeed.


Official Geomancer Website