Germans - I need your help!!


New Metal Member

Myself and the rest of our band are considering relocating from Ireland to Germany. However, we don't know the 1st thing about local metal scenes over there.

In your opinion, where in Germany would be the best place to set up shop? We would be looking a city with a crazy metal scene and a great atmosphere. b We play melodic death/thrash and are very feckin loud!

Any help on this would be much appreciated.

No real idea to be honest, but I would suggest Berlin. You find everything there, all kinds of scenes and a great athmosphere. Also from the cost point of view I would suggest Berlin compared to other major German Cities. Good luck anyway.
ok, the place you're searching for is a middle-sized town called "Münster" in the Northwest. It's not too far away from the dutch border. I guess this is the town where most of the bands that play your style come from. Some examples are Mourning Caress and Misery Speaks. You must check those guys out. Well, I'm not from that town, but it's one of the best places you'll find. It's not too small, not too big and it has an airport...

P.S.: the MS page seems to be down at the moment, but you should check them out later, it's worth it...
Hamburg would be a good place to go. It appears to me that there's more of a metal scene in Hamburg than there is in Berlin (think of bands like Gamma Ray, Halloween...). Berlin is infested with punks and techno-freaks. Plus, Hamburg has St.Pauli and the Reeperbahn which I'm sure you have heard about before. ;) Ironically, many of the best German bands come from areas where there is absolutely *nothing* going on. But Berlin is nice too, otherwise I wouldn't live there :grin:
Ironically, many of the best German bands come from areas where there is absolutely *nothing* going on.
haha, you're so right! like from my town...we have europe's biggest death/grind scene here...I guess there are at least 4 signed bands, one of them is signed to Mighty Records and known wordwide. That's really a lot for a "Kaff" (is there an english word for this?) like this one... :lol: