Get a load of this ESP

Yeah, come to think of it, it might be, and it's the neck pickup that's moved more forward - either way, the gap between the bridge and neck pups is definitely unusually large.
I think it might be a combination of the bridge being a little further forward, the bridge being a little further back and the body of the guitar being bigger than you'd expect (used to seeing 6 strings) so the gap between the pickups looks bigger
Longer scale + 22 frets = bigger gap. Also the same body might be used, just the bridge pushed back(?), enhancing it further
You'd want the pickup to be as close to the bridge as possible for clarity... that's why I sold my Agile 7 string. The pickup was WAY too far from the bridge and had a "neck pickup" tone I couldn't dial out.
Great seller this guy as well, I purchased a custom shop Reindeer from him back in feb, was shipped from HK to Aus within 2 days of me paying for it, only hold up was customs on this end haha.