Get to know your fellow nighwish fan

Hei C. I was indeed located in Texas, city of Houston; which probably cemented my decision to study environmental engineering. Right before I came home for the summer there was some sort of massive oil spill nearby, perhaps you've heard about it... Then, shortly after I arrived home in June, BP spilled benzine all over one of their processing plants, which was upwind from a housing establishment.

mmmm, toxic.

I seem to remember you also, Enigma.
Name: Rebecca
age: 17
Located: The Netherlands
hobbies: Writing, listening music, hell lot of more things
fave bands: After Forever, Ayreon, Cain's Offering, Delain, Epica, For My Pain..., Guild Machine, Indica, Lacuna Coil, Leaves' Eyes, Nightwish, ReVamp, Sirenia, Sonata Arctica, Star One, Tarja, Within Temptation and Soundtrack Music
Religion: I'm not religious
Smoker: No
drinker: Not either
additional info: Moderator from My biggest dream is to see Nightwish live some day.. :)
Since it has been so long most of you have no idea who I am so here it goes!

Name: Kara
age: 24
Located: Oregon
Hobbies: My passion is photography and now I am making it my living as well. I love creating with my camera and have the best models/friends a girl could ask for. I also love dancing, reading, journaling, nerding out with my DnD buddies, traveling, scuba diving, art, anything to do with the ocean and of course music.
Fave bands: too many to list, but I am sure we all have that problem. Right now I am back on a Wintersun kick, wishing they would come out with their second album already!
Religion: Spiritual with a twist of Christianity, although I am pretty sure most churches would cringe at my spiritual practices.
Smoker: No
Drinker: On occasion
Additional info: I am obsessed with mermaids and all things fantasy.
Name: Katrina
Age: 20
Location: Colorado, USA
Hobbies: Reading, writing, music (I play violin, and I listen to music a lot, and I have a lot of music), studying really random things, etc.
Favorite Bands: Kamelot, AFI, Shinedown, Galt Aureus, Glass Delerium, Nightwish, Avantasia, etc.
Religion: Atheist
Smoker: Nope.
Drinker: Rarely.
More stuff: Ask me anything. I never know what to say about myself, but I'll answer questions.
Hello, I've been on ultimatemetal for a while now but I've been mostly browsing through the Andy Sneap forum and tonight I decided I would check out the enormousness of this forum so here I am. :)

And C. moderates me on another forum already. :| :p

Oh I just noticed the formal way to post here so before I get whipped, here I go. :p

Name: Le Spectre d'Iapetus
age: Unknown
Located: Currently residing in some carnal envelope located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
hobbies: hmm I enjoy listening and playing music, I play the keyboards for a band here, I sometimes record music, I like beer also, hmm, etc.
fave bands: oooh many many as long as it has keyboards it seems, or an orchestra.
Religion: I feel like saying "anti-establishment". The truth is out there but no one can prove it.
Smoker: yes :|
drinker: socially
additional info: My nick is very old, once I did find the moonlight. :)

edit : Oh and I heard of this Linza lady. :Smokin:
I guess I should post here too

Name: Carol

age: 28

Located: England

Hobbies: Listening to music, talking online with friends and fans, playing with my son, watching movies.

fave bands: Nightwish, Delain, Rammstein, Metallica, Sepultura, CoB, Tarot and soo much more

Religion: None really

Smoker: no

drinker: socially

additional info: work with Tuomas on his website which requires most of my spare time, also involved in setting up the UK fanclub again.
hey,finally made to this i guess i should do i go :Spin:




hobbies:ummm...listening to music,i travel, and that's pretty much it.

fave.bands:way too many to name, but to name a few-nightwish(of coarse:dopey:),shinedown,avenged sevenfold

religion:umm.i grew up in a christian household.but i don't really have one.i believe in God.but that's about as far as it goes.


drinker:well duh.:tickled: really much else to say i guess...i'm bad at talking about myself...
I guess I will add my info to the list



location:Tampa, Florida

religion:not really, dont go to church anymore


drinker: usually some kind of beer, some hard liquor.

music: Skindred,,Edguy, Orange Goblin,Volbeat,Opeth, The Gathering, Amon Amarth, Lake of Tears, COB, In Flames, Sepultura, Death Angel, Helloween, Lamb of God..too many too list and of course NIGHTWISH!
I finally decided to post here... Let's give you some info, shall we?

Name: I hate it, so I'm not telling you v__v
Age: ...15...
Located: A certain hellho-, I mean... Place... called Southern California.
Hobbies: Playing and listening to music, riding horses, working with horses, drawing, colouring, eating, reading, and other stuff.
Fave Bands: Nightwish, Turisas, HB, Korpiklaani, Stratovarius, Finntroll, and the list goes on and on... (I just realized those are all like... Finnish bands. If I remember correctly...)
Religion: If I had to say, probably... Christian Jew. You probably don't want to ask...
Smoker: Nope.
Drinker: I can't even afford music, clothes, and barely food. ._. How could I even afford to drink?
Additional Info: I have violent tendencies, can be quite sarcastic, have a weird sense of humor, and I'm completely weird. Just... Don't even ask. o_O Unless you really want to.
Oh, hello~!

Actually, I was born and raised in Tennessee. ;A; But I had to move to So Cal a little over four years ago because of my dad's job. I've never been a fan of all the fake plants in my town and the dusty green and blech. Not my scoop of ice cream. And I actually live like... on the border of Central and Southern, believe it or not! XD

But thank you for the welcome! I will hopefully be active here. Or, well, as active as possible!