getting fat DIGITAL sounding guitar tracks


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2006
i just tracked some guitar tracks for my bands demo and im looking for tips on getting a really good sound, whether that means recording it a different way, or using compression and eq. the way we tracked the guitars is with 2 sm-57's on my mesa cab, one to later be eq'd to bring out highs and one to later be eq'd to bring out lows and mids. we each played the track 2 times giving us a total of 8 guitar tracks for the whole song. we used an orange rockerverb 50. my question is: how can i get really fat digital sounding tone, for example on the black dahlia murder's miasma or beneath the massacres evidence of inequity? thanks for any help
You want to make a vavle amp sound digital? Blimey, that's gotta be a first!

I haven't got a clue to be honest, it's not something I've ever tried to do. The first thing that comes to mind is to clone the high-end track, send the copy out to a nasty digital sounding pedal (I have a Zoom Tri-Metal, that's a great pedal if you want a digital sound), and then blend that track in until you get the sound you want. I'd probably highpass it pretty drastically too, so you just get the digital 'fizz' and not the nasty low-end. You could do the same thing by running the track through Guitar Rig or Amplitube etc.

The problem is, to get a digital distortion sounding really digital, you need to turn the gain up high, which will make your tracks really messy and will destroy the clarity of the orignal - so you'll definitely want to do it to copies of the guitar tracks and blend it in.

I would have tried some different mics originally. Like a condenser.

Also, if you want to sound digital, copy and paste the best takes ala Dino. (or do what I do and copy and past one, and but not on the doubling of it.)
Did I read this wrong, or was homie wanting to get fat guitars BECAUSE they are digital.. or does he want phat "digital" guitars?!??!

Ask the engineer to double up ya 0'1 and 1's if you want that ZOOM factor. =)