getting psyched for ProgPower!!


veteran headbanger \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Regina, SK, Canada
We're really getting in the mood already and already booked the yearly B&B :lol:

It will also be a goodbye party as Nico and I will almost certain emigrate to Canada a few months after the fest! So we'll have some serious partying to do! :kickass:
Marlies!! :rock:

It's sad to see you guys leave. No complete surprise since it was in the pipeline for a couple of years, but still.. I hope you'll be able to fly over once in a while to visit PP in the future. I mean, you guys have been part of the family from the beginning and always will be.

For this year, let's party!! :kickass:
Hopefully it's not the last time I meet you Marlies and Nico. You are natural ingredients of PP Europe :)

This year have gone really fast. It doesn't feel long since PP2006. But with all the good memories from then..It's good that it's not that long until the Swedes will invade Baarlo again. Maybe not the strongest line up for me this year... I was really dissappointed to see Heaven's Cry cancel.. but I'm sure a few of the unknown bands will kick my ass... and then there's of course Circus Maximus... that's my headliner for this year :) sit on my face and tell me that you love me...
hihi thanks guys! Yeah we feel like the furniture there ;)

We have no idea when and how often we will have the opportunity to come back to visit Europe (provided we first get this workpermit and later on a permanent visa to stay in Canada), but with an "old" dad of almost 89, I know I can't stay away for 5 years in a row or so. And if it's possible in the planning, PP will be the first event we'll try to combine it with :) :rock:

I'm also very disappointed about Heaven's Cry not coming, not even only for the music, but I REALLY wanted to see Pierre again. :waah: (even when we move to 'his' country, we'll still be thousands of kms apart). But I'm looking forward to Jon Oliva's Pain (always an awesome Savatage party), Melvyn and Alchemist (and maybe more names once I go listen to their songs:p )
37 days until I leave for vacation, so I'm pretty psyched as well! It's been 4 months since my last trip and this will be my last trip until I move away from here.

Marlies, where in Canada are you headed? If there's anything I can help with (info, restaurant advice, don't drive on the 401 in rush hour...) just send me a message :)
@Håkan: Stina's gorgeous, congrats! I just looked at the whole photoalbum and that other pic you linked, of you and Stina, is my favorite!

@Kirsty: where will you be moving to?
Nico and I are headed for Regina. We've been there to visit friends a couple of times and already feel very at home there :) Mucho restaurants and very little rush hour - really a city with a town feel :) (for those who care to read and see more, see our weblog). Anyway, will be a pleasure to meet you in Baarlo :rock:
Marlies, I'm currently in Nova Scotia and am looking to move to Scotland with my family or someplace in the Netherlands or Germany. The location will probably be mostly decided by getting a job :)

Saskatchewan is a very warm and welcoming place (except maybe in January when your car tires will freeze square!).

If you haven't seen it already, may I suggest the Corner Gas TV series? It's about life in small-town Saskatchewan and is good for a few laughs :)
we could swop places :lol:
incredible that you want to leave the more laid back mentality of Canada for the hectic, impatient and rude lifestyle in western Europe (maybe Scotland isn't like that, but Holland and Germany is) :hypno: Coming to Canada the first time was such an eye-opener for us!

About SK: we hope to be able to go in December or January.. let's see how winter will be welcoming us :heh: I'm looking forward to sunny winters with a dry freezing cold though, opposed to the grey, wet, drizzling and depressing winters we have here :mad: All Dutch that moved there tell me the -20 there is better than our +5! So I'm wondering why everyone warns me for the winter when I'm more scared for the summer (not too good with heat and musquitos ;))

I've seen one episode of Corner Gas in the airplane on our last trip, but thought it was just ok, maybe it takes a few more episodes and getting to know the characters to get into it. I am a huge fan of the Trailer Park boys though!! :rock: But ok, that's not SK....
I guess you and Nico will return to Europe next year, just in time for the 10th anniversary of Progpower :)

Am I right...?

See you in october! :)

hehe probably not possible to return that fast (hard to say how our financial situation will be when you have to start from scratch again somewhere else), but yeah, at least we'll see each other this october! :)
Hopefully it's not the last time I meet you Marlies and Nico. You are natural ingredients of PP Europe :)

This year have gone really fast. It doesn't feel long since PP2006. But with all the good memories from then..It's good that it's not that long until the Swedes will invade Baarlo again. Maybe not the strongest line up for me this year... I was really dissappointed to see Heaven's Cry cancel.. but I'm sure a few of the unknown bands will kick my ass... and then there's of course Circus Maximus... that's my headliner for this year :) sit on my face and tell me that you love me...

i'm really looking forward to PP this year. Circus Maximus and Sieges Even will be my Headliners.

Sorry to see you leave, Marlies and Nico.

@marlies:tell Nico i will send him an email very soon including the pictures of you two last year! sit on my face and tell me that you care..............!!!
Marlies, maybe we're both tired of the same old environment? I have never found those places to be overly rude (blunt and a tad uncaring perhaps) and at least they are not suffering from a coma like this place is ;)

One episode of Corner Gas isn't nearly enough! You've got to start at the first and work your way through for it to make sense :) The Trailer Park Boys is so typical of the people who live around Sydney; If you had to live with that every day you might not find the show funny either :u-huh:

And it's funny you should mention the weather - give me the fog, rain and drizzle over anything else! It's so much better for gardening ;)


29 days until vacation!!! 38 days until PP!!! :rock:

Me and family travelled the 300km by car to Göteborg and visited the 1-day free festival 'Slottsskogen Goes Progressive'.
The guys in Wolverine was one of the band(also Black Bonzo(Swe), Overhead(Fi), Indukti(Pl) and Ritual(Swe))
We got one new song and on top of that they played Sleepy Town live for the very first time:rock:

Later we had some beer:kickass:
Marlies, maybe we're both tired of the same old environment? I have never found those places to be overly rude (blunt and a tad uncaring perhaps) and at least they are not suffering from a coma like this place is ;)

And it's funny you should mention the weather - give me the fog, rain and drizzle over anything else! It's so much better for gardening ;)

It does sound like we're both in need of something different :lol:
But dark, wet weather is about the only thing in life that can affect my overall good mood, so I'm sure I'm gonna love Canadian winters :)