Dream Line-up for 2007

The first week of November we will announce 2 more bands and than at the end of the year again 2 bands. We are talking to several bands now and we receive already many demos, the line-up will be very interesting once more. It looks like again we will have a good mix at the end, our goal is to offer you 6 bands that are not from Europe! 2 have been confirmed, so we have 4 more to go!!

One of the bands we will announce first week of November NEVER played outside their home country, and we know that many of you are waiting for them!

2007 is going to be this Canuck's year at Prog Power it seems! I haven't heard most of the bands mentioned, but Jon Oliva, Sieges Even and Heaven's Cry are among my favourites anyway. I'm traveling from Canada and this will be my first metal festival; I might even be brave enough to stay at the Kasteel and not sleep for 3 days :)

I'm putting my trust in Rene and the gang to come up with a good line-up to compliment those I know, but just remember that nothing goes with Canadian metal bands like Canadian metal bands... Rush, Into Eternity, hey, why not even Annihilator? ;)

See you in 8 months, 31 days!
Kirsty said:
I'm putting my trust in Rene and the gang to come up with a good line-up to compliment those I know, but just remember that nothing goes with Canadian metal bands like Canadian metal bands... Rush, Into Eternity, hey, why not even Annihilator? ;)

See you in 8 months, 31 days!

It would be great if Max Webster could play PP Europe. Or Antiquus:

Antiquus would be outstanding. I love the piano riffs from Descend into Nothingness, but haven't heard enough to judge them overall; and I'm a sucker for a great piano solo ;) This isn't the place for this discussion is it? Sorry for hijacking :blush:
As you know, it is alway welcome when you invite bands to send us a promo package. We are always looking for some fresh and unknown bands as you know. We have already Meyvn and Mechanical Poet and we soon announce one more young talented band, but we are always looking for some nice surprises, also for future editions. The address for bands to send the package is published on the mainpage.
I may never have the honor of attending ProgPower Europe unless
Eternity X heads to europe around that time on the next tour.
But I gotta say some really great bands listed in this thread.
I also suggest Outworld & Chris Caffery :).