Getting snowed in...


Fancy a pint? Or two?
May 8, 2008
Centreville, VA
Well lads, it's a rare Virginia winter here, and we're looking at getting up to 3 feet of snow by the end of the weekend.

I'm stocked up on beer and movies. :headbang:

What's your favorite thing to do when you're snowed in/stuck in a house for a weekend?
I hear ya man ... Its supposed to start here later tonight. Movies, video games, lotsa vodka, some rum, a solo (or 2) for Felix and hell, maybe the wife will let me molest her :D
I hear ya man ... Its supposed to start here later tonight. Movies, video games, lotsa vodka, some rum, a solo (or 2) for Felix and hell, maybe the wife will let me molest her :D


I often live like I´d be snowed in, especially in songwriting phase :) So you guys may guess, what I´d do when I´m snowed in for real. Nothing! (because I never have Ideas, when I need them) Fuuuu :Smug:
Ill be smokin alot and playin xbox....snow puts me in a great mood....but then i realize i have to shovel it and it puts me right back into a bad mood
I´d love to do, mate :kickass:


That would be fuckin KILLER dude :headbang:... I actually have 3 songs that I was looking to get a guest solo on each ... my bro in the tribute band I'm is already gonna be doing one, leaving 2 spots open. If you like, I could send you extremely rough mixed mp3 of the 2 tunes, see which one you might like better. One is a very fast tune, other is more mid tempo crunchy. The chord progressions in both move around a lot so you could probably have some real fun with whichever you wanted to try

That would be fuckin KILLER dude :headbang:... I actually have 3 songs that I was looking to get a guest solo on each ... my bro in the tribute band I'm is already gonna be doing one, leaving 2 spots open. If you like, I could send you extremely rough mixed mp3 of the 2 tunes, see which one you might like better. One is a very fast tune, other is more mid tempo crunchy. The chord progressions in both move around a lot so you could probably have some real fun with whichever you wanted to try

Basically yes, when I got the time and inspiration :) But we shouldn´t discuss that in the "snowed in" thread, I think :lol: When I´ve finished the work on the Machines & Madness stuff, I´m open for it. Okay now back to topic. Snow is bad..I hate snow!!
I LOVE the winter, the cold temperatures etc.

But this year, it's too much. My car's been stuck for a week now and I can't get it out. Sidewalks don't exist anymore and the paths with trampled down snow are slippery as hell.

Even the friggin' snow-clearers have capitulated, they're using excavators now.

Fuck this winter.
You call 3 feet snowed in? :p We had 2.4 meter(7.87 feet) of snow here some years ago ;)
...but I almost live on the north pole
You call 3 feet snowed in? :p We had 2.4 meter(7.87 feet) of snow here some years ago ;)
...but I almost live on the north pole

I know what you are saying. :lol:
While 3 feet still is much snow for us Swedes, its far from being "snowed in". :)

I remember when i was a kid(1996 or something.), we had up to 10 feet of snow around the houses and trees("only" ~7 feet in the open.).. THAT was snowed in; We had to open a window and dig a tunnel to get out! :lol:

Im actually kind of surprised, because over here in Sweden its like people forgot that snow existed over here. :err: