Getting ready to build my studio....need opinions


Nov 2, 2009
Philly USA
Hey guys, how's it goin? Looking for some advice and thoughts/opinions on this. I'm getting ready to build my studio, the question is where I'm putting it.
I own a 3 story twin house, so the neighbors are an issue. Wherever I put it I'm going to put a second wall in with an air gap between that and the original wall, so I will lose some space in the end. If I put it in the house, the options are to put it in the basement (concrete walls/floor), however room size is fairly small (12x14) and the ceilings are low (6-1/2 feet). I have 2 bedrooms on the third floor, one is fairly large (12x12) and the other is smaller (8x8) but the smaller room could serve as the control room. Problem I'd have here is soundproofing the floor. I don't even know how I could go about doing that. Any advice?

My third option is I have a detached 2 car garage as well. It's around 20' x 24', concrete walls/floor. I'd prefer to have the studio in the house and not lose my garage, but at the moment I don't think I have any other options. I don't think the basement is big enough and like I said I don't see how I could rationally soundproof the 3rd floor floor. Thoughts?