Project Studio Build

Epic thread is epic.

Oh dear lord god Jesus Christ. That looks like what I'd really love to do to fulfill my own dream. Damn you and your beautiful project. :P On a more serious note, I'd like to congratulate you for all your hard work. This looks like an incredible piece of work and it's real nice to see almost everything in there is DIY - really impressive. This might encourage me to learn to use tools. Like for now, my personal knowledge in using tools is... well I have a hammer and a screwdriver at home.
Thanks guys :D
Oh dear lord god Jesus Christ. That looks like what I'd really love to do to fulfill my own dream. Damn you and your beautiful project. :P On a more serious note, I'd like to congratulate you for all your hard work. This looks like an incredible piece of work and it's real nice to see almost everything in there is DIY - really impressive. This might encourage me to learn to use tools. Like for now, my personal knowledge in using tools is... well I have a hammer and a screwdriver at home.
Haha thanks. I probably said it before but I also had no experience with building things / working with tools at all.. my father helped me a lot in the beginning, and so did Mika, the studio designer - their suggestions were very helpful and important for me. Then with gained experience I slowly started to evaluate how I could do certain things and what would and wouldn't work. The work is very rewarding generally, you do something the first time and it sucks, takes hours and is incredibly hard. Then you do it again, you make some details better and it takes 50% of the time. The third and fourth (etc) time will be a lot better made and will take like 1/10th of the time to build. I really started to like building / fixing stuff. By now it slowly begins to annoy me again, though because I really want to finish the build already and just record awesome music :o
Yesterday we built the variable diffusor/absorber/reflector acoustic module for the liveroom. It's not finished yet because it still lacks the absorbing materials that will be glued on one side of the "lamellae" (<- word looks funny, especially the plural "ae", that's fucking latin). So depending on how the boards are set, the unit is either mostly absorbing, diffusing or simply reflecting. The lamellae are rotatable 360° in either direction because they're sitting on small pegs. I am still not sure what material I will use for the absorbing side and what color etc... One possibility is this stuff or just mineral wool covered with (black) cloth like everywhere else.



A friend of mine offered to spray / paint the studio logo on the reflecting (blank) sides of the boards - the one you can see in my signature - so if all of them are set like in the following picture you can see the logo as a whole. And if it's set any different you can't and the lamellae are just mostly black from the reflecting side. This will probably take some time because we have to make the stencils first

Building this module was a little more tough because all the whole for the pegs had to be in one line, and all the whole for the pegs had to have pretty much exactly the same depth in order to make sure the lamellaes can be easily rotated to the desired position. We were shitting our pants because it was only in the very end we realized everything had worked out :rock:
By the way, the red thing is called "Dübelking", and "Dübel" means "peg"... "King of pegs" / peg-king is a fucking ridiculous name :lol:
Also visible: A friend working on bottom frame and me not working and taking pictures instead, hehe

Next time I have some help I want to get the acoustic module in its final place on the wall, it won't just stand on the floor but hang centered on the wall it's leaning on in this picture:
I have a feeling that thing will be adjusted once and then never touched again. :lol:

Looks fucking awesome though, this thread keeps giving me tons of ideas for treatment of my own!
Shush! :lol: At first I had the same thought honestly, but I really plan to do some tests once all this is finished and then I'll see how much of a difference it actually does to the sound. I plan to use the diffusing setting for drums - the room is tiny enough already, more diffusion could only be a good thing - and the absorbing setting especially for vocals, and probably guitars. I really like the idea of changing the acoustics within a few seconds (in addition to the portable diffusors and absorbers I already have).

I'm wondering if covering the backside of this unit with black cloth would be a good thing? It looks a little boring as it is imo :)
I'm wondering if covering the backside of this unit with black cloth would be a good thing? It looks a little boring as it is imo :)

I would assume it depends on the cloth, but as long as it's not like spandex or something (lol) and can breathe, I dont see why it would hurt. Afterall, people wrap their acoustic panels and bass traps in cloth, so why not back that one with something?

And are you going to paint it or treat it with some sort of acoustic paint/treatment, or are you just going to leave it bare wood? If the latter is the case, I would say definitely try and color it something else as bare wood is just yuck, imo.
(Edit: nevermind, I just read the part where you said you were going to have a friend paint it. lol.)
Finished the last two frames for the ceiling in the liveroom :D
We also covered the diffusors' back with the red cloth and it looks freaking awesome and even more important: evil :lol:

The crossovers between the frames and the edges generally will be connected with small black slats (3cm wide). So you won't see the frames are a little crooked. The slats will also make everything look a bit more interesting and seperated / defined. They'll be delivered on monday (at least that's what UPS says, after they called me and tried to tell me the adress was wrong.. damn those noobs).





God's blood man, you're the same age as me and you're already building your dream cave. I feel like I've been wasting all my time up until this point by NOT building my own studio every time I read your thread :lol:
Thanks for the kind words guys :D
@Empathy: Haha I don't think you have to feel like you wasted your time. It's not that common to build a studio (even if it's rather small) at our age I guess.. allthough I worked quite some timer for this dream of mine, I was just very lucky and took the leap of faith because I had to move and renovate this building anyway and I didn't want to do "a little bit for the acoustics" and then have to build everything again in some years for proper acoustics. Originally I wanted to wait until my client base was larger and my my productions were at a higher level but then I figured doing the construction work two times and probably pay even more in the end would really suck.

No big update today because the other guitarist and I rehearsed some songs for our gig this friday (if anyone is interested, we're playing at "Zeche Carl" in Essen with Lifelover - or rather the "Jonas Bergqvist Tribute" band after B. died - Trist, Fäulnis and Hypothermia: So yeah, we only finally finished one of the portable absorbers :lol: It looks awesome, though:

I also started working on the last acoustic element for the liveroom, an absorbing wall with 4 integrated diffusors (very similar to the backwall in the controlroom):

The place is a mess...
Max love your place dude!!! can't wait to see everything finished and hear what your going to produce out of this place!
Thx :) Can't wait either! I haven't been doing much audio work except for some tracking and a few mixes since I started building the studio a year ago. :bah:

Finished "filling" the last wall in the liveroom, I will use the red fabric for it again, makes for a cool look with the ceiling also in red on the other side of the room.

Yeah the Red is def a nice touch to the way your room's are already looking. Me and Charles painted the live room in our new place theater red it just gave it a better vibe. But i will say i am jealous of all your sick and tasty looking diffusors

Did you follow a specific tutorial to make that portable absorber? What kind of material did you fill it with? And what kind of fabric is that?

I need to make me some acoustic panels and a bass trap and looking for other ideas. This looks badass man!
Did you follow a specific tutorial to make that portable absorber? What kind of material did you fill it with? And what kind of fabric is that?

I need to make me some acoustic panels and a bass trap and looking for other ideas. This looks badass man!
Kinda, these portable absorbers - and basically every other acoustic treatment - were planned and designed by an acoustician/studio-designer: He's called "Mikas Mietshaus" on the forum and posted a few times in this thread.
I can't hand out the plans unfortunately.
If you look through the thread, there are pictures of the construction process of those absorbers and from there you should be able to clone them ;)

The absorber is filled with 10cm deep Isover mineral wool called TP1, the names and Isover products are different for the US and Europe, though.
The fabric is called "Molton" or "Bühnen-Molton" (stage molton?). Not sure how it's called in english really, I only find the word and wikipedia entries in french, danish and some other European languages :D It's the fabric that gets used in theaters, cinemas and studios a lot, made out of 100% cotton and napped on both sides of the fabric. Canvas is often used for acoustic panels too, but I don't like the look honestly.
Max, I am sure you have posted the answer to this somewhere on here, but scanning through I could not find it. How much do you have invested into just the inside acoustical treatments, and studio features (minus the awesome desk) so far? Not counting the cost of the home itself. I am hoping to buy a home in the next two years, and turn two rooms of it into a studio, in which I would love to do what you are doing to the inside.

I am really digging the look of your project. Just like everyone else, I cannot wait to see the end result!