Project Studio Build

2,40 after treating it or before? und glückwunsch zum api! :)
Ah sorry, 2.40m before treatment. The room is now 2.20m for the most part, just the sides (about 40cm's from the wall) are even lower, they're about 2 meters.
I'd really like to build a large liveroom with a near-to-perfect noise isolation someday, there's definitely the room for it on the parcel, but I fear it will take about 15 years minimum until I can pay that :lol:
Get a clone now!!! Mika told me that he can do a stereo version with wet/dry button perfect for parallel compression dutys :)
*starts fapping*
I had a 1176 clone with the original look (2 RU, original knobs etc) in mind, I already talked to him.. Also tempted by a 1187 or 1176 stereo, but that's a bit too expensive for now. And I can always buy a second 1176 clone - without a wet/dry button of course, which sounds pretty badass.
So, finally a small update. Had a lot of stuff going on and also needed a break for a week (and then got terribly ill for 2 weeks lol) so there was nothing new.
We finished the clothing work on the four absorbers for the liveroom today and started covering the ceiling construction with the white fabric. Hopefully we'll finish covering the outsides of the ceiling construction (not the area in the middle) either Sunday or next Tuesday. I can't do that alone because you need 3 (or 4) hands. I also plan to finally paint all the boards for the bug diffusors black in the coming days.
Pics (there are 2 black absorbers and 2 white ones):




Thanks guys :D The more the studio is finished, the more impatient and excited yet somehow weary I get. Strange feeling. I've been working on the studio over a period of 10 months now.
We continued covering up the ceiling last week. Now what's left for the ceiling are 4 frames in the middle with the built-in lights and of course the decor slats to cover up all edges etc. That's why it currently looks a bit shitty.
Today I decided to profit from the good weather and started painting the boards for the diffusors with the final coat (black). I only finished half the painting work, this shit takes forever..



Man, this makes me jealous. Just discovered this thread and red all of your posts. Looking beyond awesome so far, and good luck with the authorities and shit. Some day i'll do the same.
Man, this makes me jealous. Just discovered this thread and red all of your posts. Looking beyond awesome so far, and good luck with the authorities and shit. Some day i'll do the same.
Thanks man :) I think the authority problems are sorted for now - I am registered as a freelancing audio engineer and got my VAT number etc. I even got back the pre-tax for the stuff I've bought so far, that was a huge load of money. I already spent it on a new amp, though :lol:
I hope you too build your dreamstudio one day :)

By the way, I wanted to show you guys my mic locker and especially the awesome cable / headphone holder. It's that IKEA "KOMPLEMENT" series thing to hold your trousers or ties.. dunno but it is exactly what I wanted for the cables :D

I'll take pictures of my (rather small) microphone collection another day, for now they're in their cases.
Can I hate you?
Haha yeah I think so. But keep in mind I lack the skill to make awesome guitar tones out of this stuff.. yet :lol: :cry:

I want to lock myself in the studio for a week and just dial around the amps and move microphones until I get teh bonerz sound, but I have to go outside and paint those remaining boards for the diffusors now *sigh*
i love your cable storage max :-)
What about the diffusors of the live room? are you ready for install them?
How does the live room sound until now?
any changes needed, to hit your ideas of the optimal room sound?
Mika (Mikas Mietshaus Akustik)
Hi Mika,
we build the first diffusor today and it looks pretty cool :grin:
I can't really judge how the live room sounds yet. The big diffusor/absorber unit on the wall opposite from the door is still missing, and so is the whole construction (absorbers as well as the four HOFA diffusors) on the wall opposite from the window.. so right now there's still quite some flutter echo.

My idea was to paint the remaining front side of the boards when the diffusor is finished but it turned out to be a pretty stupid idea :lol: With the brushes or the paint rolls I have, I can't reach some of the boards properly and it takes 10x as long to paint them. I will have to paint the boards for the second diffusor tomorrow. Unfortunately I can not assemble the diffusor on my own but a friend will help me some time next week.


Looks great. I have a question, did you use some calculations to determine the different sized pieces or is it just random?
Looks great. I have a question, did you use some calculations to determine the different sized pieces or is it just random?
The diffusors are calculated to the room. They are made to diffuse some high end, while let bassenergy flow through ti absorb the low end. the Diffusors are specialy calculated to Max room, to give perfect acoustics for recording drums, guitars, and vocals, with minimum phase cancelations ind the impotant frequency range.
It's been some time. But I want to really push the building process now so that everything (at least acoustically) is finished this october. So here we go..
As always you can also find the pictures on my facebook page. I'm thankful for every "like" so hurry up and click the damn button :lol:

Building the frames for the liveroom's ceiling


This is how it looked before:

And now:


Still not finished, though. The last two frames will be red :D (waiting for the fabric to arrive)

If the red fabric finally arrives, I will finish the missing two frames for the ceiling, and cover the portable absorbers with the red fabric as well as the backside of the large diffusors here:

Remember the portable absorbers?

I finished the frames with stuff I can't seem to find an english expression for. You know, the stuff you have to iron on the particle boards (IKEA uses it a lot).


As I said, the white areas you see will be covered by red cloth. I think it's going to look rad :D