Project Studio Build

Kinda, these portable absorbers - and basically every other acoustic treatment - were planned and designed by an acoustician/studio-designer: He's called "Mikas Mietshaus" on the forum and posted a few times in this thread.
I can't hand out the plans unfortunately.
If you look through the thread, there are pictures of the construction process of those absorbers and from there you should be able to clone them ;)

The absorber is filled with 10cm deep Isover mineral wool called TP1, the names and Isover products are different for the US and Europe, though.
The fabric is called "Molton" or "Bühnen-Molton" (stage molton?). Not sure how it's called in english really, I only find the word and wikipedia entries in french, danish and some other European languages :D It's the fabric that gets used in theaters, cinemas and studios a lot, made out of 100% cotton and napped on both sides of the fabric. Canvas is often used for acoustic panels too, but I don't like the look honestly.

Cool, thanks for the information! :grin:
yeah max, it`s getting closer to the end... :) looks awesome! can`t wait to see these two rooms finished, after the tuning the last traps!
Hey Max,
do you remember how huch "weed" is in the bass traps?
How high and deep are your traps?

I wanna basstrap my appartement too and haven't worked with hemp(just glasswool, but I don't wanna sleep next to a glasswool monster)...
Hey Max,
do you remember how huch "weed" is in the bass traps?
How high and deep are your traps?

I wanna basstrap my appartement too and haven't worked with hemp(just glasswool, but I don't wanna sleep next to a glasswool monster)...
They are oddly shaped (two are trapezes) and the other two are pentagons, soo.. :D They are between 40 and 60 cm wide and 120 cm long, and as high as the room which is 2,43m.
Judging from the bills I have here, I bought a total of 31 sacks of hemp here:

Btw I got some nice asthma from the hemp and I am no allergy sufferer normally.. but that was obviously too much. Also it smells like, well, hemp.. more like hay and the smell is pretty intense. Way better than the nasty smell of mineralwool (which smells like catpiss to me) but it stays sometime, too. Mineral wool hasn't proven to be hazardous even in long-time tests and for the workers that work with it, with no breathing protection for years. If you open the packages and let it breath in the open air for some hours even the possibly somehow hazardous but not proven to be hazardous in any way fumes can leave the mineralwool. If you are still worried you can use a tripple protection (Rieselschutz) and there will be no mineralwool particles in your room.

Wichtig ist, dass man Zwischenböden macht damit der Hanf nicht zu sehr zusammensackt und dann eher reflektierend wirkt. Die richtige Stopfdichte herauszufinden ist auch nicht ganz einfach, aber letztlich habe ich die Ballen so wie sie eben sind reingelegt und die Zwischenräume ausgefüllt ohne das Zeug zusammenzudrücken. Für die 2,43m habe ich glaube ich zwei Zwischenböden aus Hasengitter gespannt.


Dude, the place is starting to look absolutely awesome. I wanna get in there and just listen to 10,000 days in drunken stupor :lol:
That's pretty much what I hope the bands will think when they see the studio.
Even if they don't care for good aocustics, they will probably decide to come here because the studio looks cool :rock:
Edit: Just noticed how well that comment goes with your sig! o/
Doesn't matter I still love you :tickled: :lol:
And thanks again Ikea, this time for making awesome lamps ;)
Sorry for the crooked pictures, no idea what I was thinking..


I barely have any free time at the moment, but I will post pictures of the progress as soon as I can.