Getting together an EPK!

Outbreak: no offense, but yea, you need a domain name to exist. I listened to one track off of your bandcamp and I'm sorry but I did not want to listen to another track. Of course music is always a highly subjective topic, but I think you are such beginners at everything that I wouldn't even start looking at labels right now.

1) get a coherent sound and image going
2) get a website up that goes with that image
3) start gigging and driving people to that website by being good at online promotion
4) once you sell 1000+ CDs per release, then look at labels.

Good luck.

Thanks for the info we'll be working on it.
If you don't mind my asking, why is a domain and having our own website such an important aspect of it when we already have a bandcamp and Facebook?
If you don't mind my asking, why is a domain and having our own website such an important aspect of it when we already have a bandcamp and Facebook?
I'd imagine because social media like Facebook and Twitter only have limited scope in advertising yourselves professionally content wise. The new timeline update on Facebook for pages makes it even harder to really advertise your music and image, whereas a website can contain everything in one easy to access place, as opposed to being redirected from Facebook to Bandcamp, or Youtube, or anywhere else you have material hosted. It's all about looking like you know what you're doing.
I'd imagine because social media like Facebook and Twitter only have limited scope in advertising yourselves professionally content wise. The new timeline update on Facebook for pages makes it even harder to really advertise your music and image, whereas a website can contain everything in one easy to access place, as opposed to being redirected from Facebook to Bandcamp, or Youtube, or anywhere else you have material hosted. It's all about looking like you know what you're doing.

Ah yes and they're also not customizable.
A website will give someone all the information they need displayed in a way that fits the band's image / style.
I understand now thanks a lot for the help everyone.
Is there anything else I should know?