GF93 - The Bloody Bastard Remixes


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
GF93 – The Bloody Bastard Remixes
Mechanism Records – mech012 – March 10th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


Nu-metal in true form, GF93’s The Bloody Bastard Remixes is self-explanatory. Technically speaking, the disc is an hour-long with 14 tracks, featuring the respective talent of 13 different DJs. Doing some quick math reveals that each DJ handles a song, except for one who tackles two. Are you as uninterested as I am by this point? I hope not, but read on, I guess, if you want.

It’s not like Italy’s GF93, an angrier less ethereal version of Deftones, are running on a hurdle-free course because there are several elements working against them in regards to the success of The Bloody Bastard Remixes. First, you would have to know who they are to be the slightest bit intrigued. Second, you’d have to like them, and considering they’re nu-metal, that limits their potential audience even more. Third, you’d have to like remix albums enough to buy them. While I’ve never been particularly fond of industrial, electronica, ambience, noise or any synth-based subgenres, I’ve been even less fond of remix albums – my main experience derived from the lackluster Fear Factory records Fear is the Mindkiller EP and Remanufacture. Most of this is annoying, if not altogether throwaway. Nevertheless, there are a couple selections that I prefer to the rest, those being the brooding “He Seems to be Smiling (Forbidden Forest Mix)” and the strange, trance-triggering “Christ Buck-RU (404 File Not Found Mix).” Predominantly vocal-free, the latter really tests the listener’s patience with repetition, but on the whole, is head and shoulders above everything else presented here.

I doubt you’ll be ordering this anytime soon, as I’m convinced only hardcore GF93 disciples will anticipate this in the least. But according to the promo sheet, The Bloody Bastard Remixes will be filed under the “Bastard Metal” section of your local music store.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official GF93 Website
Official Mechanism Records Website
Nitronium Blood said:
But isn't it terrible to review shit?

The very point of writing a review is to let people know what sucks and what is worth buying. If nobody reviewed stuff that they didn't like, nobody would know it sucks, and a larger number of people would end up wasting their money. In fact, we're more likely to be not sent more promos with a review like this than no review at all. In addition to this, Jason invested time writing the review just to inform people what the CD was like, so please, enough with the insecure, juvenile, knee-jerk reactions.

Oh, and I sent this out to be reviewed, so if you have any more problems please email me about it.