gfhnuewhjrhuj fucking cubase....!!!!


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
in cubase i use a feature all of the time without actually knowing it / doing anything

anytime you hit record in cubase, it records whatever was happening 2 seconds before that (or to any amount of time you set)

if i need to punch in a chug, i'll put my locator on the beat that it hits, hit record (this is punching in exactly on beat with a precount)... you get a 4, 3, 2, 1 then CHUG

now on the chug, there's going to be a pick attack that's not currently visible or even audible at this point.... you select the region and drag back the "pre-audio" that happened before the actual punch in

this is like 10 to 20 ms that gets crossfaded with whatever was before it.

this is a pretty important feature to me. without it i dont know how i'd record some difficult guitar parts without having to do all kinds of goofy pre-rolling instead of spot punching.

so my question is, does protools have a pre-record buffer?

Basically if your trying to say punch in like this in cubase and the note that your punching isn't on the first note of each bar you can't because cubase will snap the cursor back to the begining of the nearest whole note.
fjcviewjioo I can't figure out why its doing this.
I've read the manual and I have record at left locator enabled but if I turn precount on it will override that setting and record at the begining of the closest bar to where my left locator not at the locator itself.
I suppose you could remedy this by just recording a bar ahead
and then dragging the audio back into place but why won't it just do what its supposed to or am I just doing something wrong?
You can't have preroll and precount on at the same time but if your saying simply turn preroll on and set it so that it plays back a measure before where I'm punching, I guess again that that would work but then you have to maunally dial in the numbers etc and thats not really what joey described?? Or at least that's not how I read it.
You can't have preroll and precount on at the same time but if your saying simply turn preroll on and set it so that it plays back a measure before where I'm punching, I guess again that that would work but then you have to maunally dial in the numbers etc and thats not really what joey described?? Or at least that's not how I read it.
Why don't you record slightly more than you need and then edit it out so you only have the part you want?
Why don't you record slightly more than you need and then edit it out so you only have the part you want?

I understand you can do these things but that doesnt seem like what joey described.
What I took from it is that you set the precount to 1 bar put the locator where you want to start recording. Hit record it gives you a bar precount and then starts the record where your left locator is. This would be great for recording single chugs or notes that need to be repunched and the timing will always be on.

I understand you could also set it to auto punch in and out and set a pre-roll a bar ahead but then you would have to mute all the tracks in order to do this. Which is annoying.

Obviously it must be possible if that is what he's describing? But I just can't figure out why it won't work for me.
Go to Preferences change "Audio Pre Record Seconds" to 2 in Record/Audio.
Activate pre-roll OR precount.
Turn off Snap.
Drag the audio a bit back to find the whole note.
Crossfade the overlapping audio.

That's how I read it.