GGI Conspiracy Theory of the Day -- India UFOs

i know im gonna sound like a total nut.. but i saw one of these lights in the sky here in san deigo a few nights ago. multi-color flashing light that moved around a bit. wasnt a plane because i watched planes go past it. wasnt a star because it moved. pretty damn sure it wasnt a sattelite because it moved in multiple directions. Im not saying it was aliens bro.. just saying it was Definately a Unidentified Flying Object.
I'm sure someone on here was saying there have been multiple mass UFO sightings in Mexico over the last couple of years. Maybe we're not alone?
imo anyone who thinks we're alone in the universe is deluded. That might come across as harsh or whatever, but the universe is such a massive place that the odds of us being alone are slim, especially considering we've already iscovered planets that are habitable.

That said the idea of aliens doesn't worry me whatsoever, but the thought that there are aliens, and we could be the most advanced species in the universe is fucking terrifying
^so much this.

Part of me is still holding out hope though, that we'll discover a galaxy and it'll be exactly like star wars. (Saw your avatar and couldn't help but think about it :p)
That said the idea of aliens doesn't worry me whatsoever, but the thought that there are aliens, and we could be the most advanced species in the universe is fucking terrifying

I suspect it's a little bit of a logic conundrum to think/be terrified we may be the "most advanced species in the universe" yet we are the ones witnessing UFO's in our sky.

Something tells me if they have flying objects capable of reaching far away planets/galaxies and observe them - it's pretty much proof we are lower on the food chain than them as far as advancement goes. Call me a stickler for the details but ... :D
I suspect it's a little bit of a logic conundrum to think/be terrified we may be the "most advanced species in the universe" yet we are the ones witnessing UFO's in our sky.

Something tells me if they have flying objects capable of reaching far away planets/galaxies and observe them - it's pretty much proof we are lower on the food chain than them as far as advancement goes. Call me a stickler for the details but ... :D

This is true, thank you for easing my worries and pointing out the flaws in my logic :p

Unless they're not as advanced as us, and just put loads of lights on people then fire them out of massive catapults... because they like big things
If we could only hear: “And this is the beautiful Lake Eerie. It is a huge reservoir of pure water. Those bright lights below are from the village called Detroit. This is a place famous for making the archaic, oil-powered transportation we talked about earlier when we were discussing the reasons why they seem to kill one another so often.”
If we could only hear: “And this is the beautiful Lake Eerie. It is a huge reservoir of pure water. Those bright lights below are from the village called Detroit. This is a place famous for making the archaic, oil-powered transportation we talked about earlier when we were discussing the reasons why they seem to kill one another so often.”

And then a short speech about Alice cooper..... Aliens digging Alice is definitely a good thought
If we could only hear: “And this is the beautiful Lake Eerie. It is a huge reservoir of pure water. Those bright lights below are from the village called Detroit. This is a place famous for making the archaic, oil-powered transportation we talked about earlier when we were discussing the reasons why they seem to kill one another so often.”

But there's no fear in Steve's Galaxy Tours (image of a little green guy wearing a baseball cap holding a microphone in the front of a crowd of retired aliens taking the duck boat version of a galactic tour). We have to assume they are coming to use us as a form of resource and not a family fun place akin to an aquarium full of fish. :D:yow::loco:

I'm a firm believer we are not the only intelligent life in the universe - it just seems statistically impossible, but I'm also not a big UFO guy - sometimes a light in the nighttime sky is just a light in the nighttime sky. :wave:
The thing is that there are so many possibilities, so many we can't even think about, of rational explanations that declaring right away "these are lights no one can explain so it can only be aliens" is just funny. My guess would go for the military as well. The chinese are wild enough to try whatever random experiment and not giving a fuck about it

And don't forget prankers, although this one looks big for a simple prank, it's easy as fuck to confuse a whole city for a night. It has happened many times, it needs a few friends, a day or two of building, a little organization, and bam you get your buzz. Circle crops are a good example of those