GHOSTFATHER - new melodic metal band!

Spheric Fred

New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2009
Hello Threshold fans!

I'm Fred Colombo, keyboard player of Spheric Universe Experience, the opening band on Threshold's 2009 Essence of Progression tour.

Before writing about the actual topic, let me give you some news about S.U.E., for those of you guys who remember us and might be interested:
S.U.E. is finishing the recording of the 4th album, which will be released around September 2011. The music is still progressive metal, with new, modern touches and bombastic riffs! Stay tuned

Now, back to the original topic:

Let me proudly introduce my new band GHOSTFATHER!
Melodic metal, with catchy metlodies and heavy riffs.

Our debut album "Now Boarding" has been released on all digital download platforms (iTunes, amazon, vodafone, deezer, emusic, etc.) in March 2011.

Feel free to check it out!
Free samples here:
3 full songs here:

Hope you guys enjoy it ;-)

See you soon!
