Ghost's of Mars

I really don't know why everybody is so down on this movie(I guess I'm just a John Carpenter fan and entertained by anything) but yes! the Anthrax riffs on this movie fucking kick ass. I have a sneaky suspicion that some of these riffs will make it to "We've Come for you All". I have even thought of plugging my BR8 into my VCR to make audio copies of these fine instrumentals.

Cheerz LOAroberto!

I didn't think it was THAT bad. Definitely not Carpenter's finest work though. My husband insisted on watching it with me and I'm still hearing shit about how badly it sucked. Like, I grab a movie at Hollywood Video and hear him behind me saying "If that sucks as bad as that last one..." Even though I've rented like 20 since then. Anywho, the coolest part about the whole thing is all the recording shit they put on the DVD.
Yes thats true! It really isn't John best work by any means, I mean, we are talking the same guy who made "Escape from New York", "Halloween", "They Live", "Prince of Darkness", "Big Trouble in Little China", and ofCourse "The Thing". God this man has done some great shit! Good Stuff!


The first time I saw Halloween, I peed myself.

But I was 8 or 9, and that happened a lot back then (my sister had an evil boyfriend).

Now I've seen it a thousand times, and I still lock all the doors and usually keep the lights on when I watch it. :lol:
Yeah I like Carpenter but this movie sucked. The production values were so poor. I don't know if you saw it on the big screen or not but on that you could look at the back grounds and see it was matte paintings in the train station sceen in particular. But hey, at least he knows good music.
I know, I know....I'm probably the ONLY person I know who has the DVD let alone the soundtrack, but I'm a huge John Carpenter fan and the soundtrack (film score) is classic carpenter synth with kick ass anthrax and buckethead riffs! Yes my friends I purchased it and listened to it for a good 8 weeks..hmmm methinks I have too much time on me hands! By the way, Snake Plissken is the 2nd most bad assed movie character to Ash. C'mon, I gotta represent for the legions of deadites out there....

Hey bRat, whats up?
All is well in the hot-ass desert. When my son isn't wrecking everything I own, he's biting everything in sight because all of his teeth are coming in at once. It's a real joy. Can't wait for the next one...

Anywho, I'd buy the DVD used, and I'd probably not watch it very often, but wouldn't mind owning it. I'd have to sneak it past my husband though, or I'd hear even more about it. I wanted to buy the soundtrack, but I didn't find it, which I thought was surprising because Fry's Electronics has every other soundtrack ever recorded...or so it seems.