Gigantic Death/Black Metal festival in New York

JayKeeley said:
Fuck, that's right -- I don't think Stony Point is too far from my house. This show is actually going to be in a forest?? That would be cool as hell, but seriously, even if they do get Morbid Angel, together with Vital Remains you've just got too much bias with the death metal angle.

This show NEEDS some more pagan black metal for a setting like that.

Yeaaaaah. I agree here. At least get some fake black metal bands.... or fly Blut Aus Nord out here
i wonder who is behind this gig?
is it the same people that did something similar 2 years ago or so further upstate with Suffocation, etc.

I am sure these are not first timers ...
Guys, this place is near Seven Lakes!!!! Remember those pictures I took of that stunning forest? This is that same region -- it's a geological preserve owned by the museum of natural history. Seriously, really stunning scenery.
I dont see any reason why I shouldnt come to this. They should get Woods of Ypres to play this, I bet thats certainly feasable unless there busy.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I dont see any reason why I shouldnt come to this. They should get Woods of Ypres to play this, I bet thats certainly feasable unless there busy.
thought the same thing.

And Will, when I said where are the black metal bands? I meant: which ones are playing black metal? Sorry to piss you off
"Death in The Forest Fest is an open-air Black/Death Metal festival along with over 80 vendors for metal music cds /dvd's, clothing and metal shirts, goth and fetish wear, tattoo and piercing vendors, smoke shop vendors, romantic depot and adult entertainment vendors, A JAGERMEISTER TRUCK!, becks, budweiser and many others TBA. Taking place on may 20th 2006"

The concept is ok -- the idea of having an open air show surrounded by woodland sounds pretty nifty, and I'm ok with lots of vendors etc....but I'm not sold yet on the bands. I'm actually more exicted about the fun of the event itself and hanging out with friends. [/gay but honest]