
Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I have been out of town, so I apologize if this is OLD news.
This is apparently the lineup for GIGANTOUR 2008:

What the hell?

What is the point?
Every band on the bill has already been featured on Ozzfest, Sounds of the Underground, Unholy Alliance, etc, etc....

This isn't exactly offering anything new, except maybe getting High on Fire in larger venues.

You would think Dave would want to showcase bands who haven't had such an opportunity (Ala Nevermore / Symphony X on first Gigantour).
I don't think so.
The giveadamn has run out on both In Flames and COB.
Job for a Cowboy might draw some of the young crowd.
Very few High On Fire fans would go just to see them play 20 minutes as the opener.

Not a bad lineup for just a regular tour, but as a high profile festival, I would say it is a disappointment.
Actually, the giveadamn from the kids has gone pretty fucking high up for In Flames and COB. They sell out 1000+ venues everytime they have entered SLC in the last 3 years.

Same with Job For a Cowboy, though, I never had any giveadamn for them to begin with.
In Flames died for me in 2002(3?) when I saw them open for Slayer and Anders rapped Colony.

Bodom died for me since Hatecrew Deathroll or whatever the fuck it was called

I never thought Job for a Cowboy was any good

Never heard High on Fire, but they probably suck.

Dave Mustaine can go fuck himself
5 years ago this would be an incredible line up. I've never seen CoB and I've heard from fans of theirs that they "used to be" good, I gave up on In Flames a while back, last time I saw them was when they opened for Slayer and Soulfly so it I would like to see them out of curiosity. I really want to check out High On Fire so it looks like I shall be there.
In Flames died for me in 2002(3?) when I saw them open for Slayer and Anders rapped Colony.

Bodom died for me since Hatecrew Deathroll or whatever the fuck it was called

I never thought Job for a Cowboy was any good

Never heard High on Fire, but they probably suck.

Dave Mustaine can go fuck himself

Dear God!!!!! You took the words right out of my mouth. I have to agree with pretty much everything you said.

Also...I think this is a very strong line up if you are looking at ticket sales and amount of good selling bands. Sure for the underground metal fans it sucks but the mainstream teen crowd....this is a pretty big show. I would never go, but the bands are all solid and draw really good.
I read somewhere that Dave didnt choose the bands like the previous years and they were chosen by a booking agent.

I agree with the fact that all these bands are touring the US regularly and dont need to be on this tour. I do think that all these bands except JFAC still put out good records.

I will definitely not be traveling for this, but if for some reason it decides to come to KC then I will go for Megadeth alone since I have never seen them. I have seen the other bands at least 3 times.

I will be seeing High On Fire on a headlining tour in Jan/Feb. I checked their tour dates and there was no Chicago date which I found odd, closest one is February 15 Columbus, OH Ravari Room. High on Fire is a really solid band if you Stoner/Doom stuff. The band features Matt Pike from Sleep if anyone has ever heard of the once great Sleep.
I've heard mixed things about this lineup. I was glad to see Bodom in there because for me they are still putting out good records. Again, that's just me. In Flames have been disappointing me for a long time, and it's a sorry shame, so them being on the bill just saddens me. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't High On Fire tour with Opeth at one point the last couple years or something? I swear that band rings a bell and I remember saying to myself that I could see them opening for Down or BLS.

I'm pretty sure I'll attend this one.
Here are the first two dates:

April 28 - Quebec City, QC - Pavillon de la Jeunesse
April 29 - Montreal, QC - Bell Centre

This might be in Chicago during Powerfest weekend.....

MegaDave for POWERFEST!!!!!!!!
Now there's and idea. BTW, I will not atttend Gigantour because of what Dave did to Warmachine, what a fucking douche!

Another ProgPower sheep! It is funny how suddenly Dave is this huge monster. He has been this way always. I have heard stories from way back in the 80's with him being an asshole. I am sure almost all the bands that we listen to have pulled simular dick moves. I am sure bands like Blind Guasrdian, Symphony X, Edguy, and many others have pulled stuff that may not be cool but we just didnt hear about it. Look at what Dave did to Rotting Christ and other acts that he didnt find appropriate at those fest out in Europe. This thread is blowing up on the ProgPower is like a sudden huge newflash for something that has been going on for eons in the music bussiness....just now it hit a band that people "have to like" to fit in on a forum. This is one reason why I dont like meeting bands. After years of knowing band and becoming freinds with definetly effects how you look at thier music.
Dave's an easy target too.
If this was Dream Theater, no one would be reacting as harsh.

I have no problem with Dave picking EVILE over WARMACHINE, as from what people are saying, all the poll was supposed to do was help them choose the opener. I don't think it was "Band with highest # of votes will definitely be the opener"

The main issue I have with this whole debacle is the statement Dave made about the band not having the means to do the tour, when they were never even contacted by Dave/Gigantour/etc, etc...

I am sure this whole situation will land the band a sympathy slot on the Prog Power showcase.
I am not dissing the band, as I personally have never heard them.
Another ProgPower sheep! It is funny how suddenly Dave is this huge monster. He has been this way always. I have heard stories from way back in the 80's with him being an asshole. I am sure almost all the bands that we listen to have pulled simular dick moves. I am sure bands like Blind Guasrdian, Symphony X, Edguy, and many others have pulled stuff that may not be cool but we just didnt hear about it. Look at what Dave did to Rotting Christ and other acts that he didnt find appropriate at those fest out in Europe. This thread is blowing up on the ProgPower is like a sudden huge newflash for something that has been going on for eons in the music bussiness....just now it hit a band that people "have to like" to fit in on a forum. This is one reason why I dont like meeting bands. After years of knowing band and becoming freinds with definetly effects how you look at thier music.

Nah, I havent been into Megadeth since the Mustaine-Ellefson-Friedman-Menza line up broke up, when they played with Heaven and Hell @ The Allstate Arena I spent their whole set in the lobby drinking beer and chatting it up with some friends. I was comtemplating going to Gigantour "just because" and for no other reason whatsoever. What I really think is bullshit is the remark of "WARMACHINE has no means or way to do the tour, but I am sure they will agree it was fun and good exposure for them".
I'm sorry but that has asshole written all over it.
I have no problem with Dave picking EVILE over WARMACHINE, as from what people are saying, all the poll was supposed to do was help them choose the opener. I don't think it was "Band with highest # of votes will definitely be the opener"

Then what was the purpose of the poll?
I didn't see it myself.
From what others have said, Dave indicated the poll was to assist in their decision. I don't think it was ever specifically stated that the band with the most votes automatically gets it.

I agree. The main issue is the drawn conclusion about the band's means to get to Europe without consulting them.

Too bad you missed 'Deth's set at the H&H show.
They were great. Leaps and bounds over when I saw them for World Needs a Hero (Where they were simply going through the motions, and obviously did not like each other!)