Gigantour DVD: 9/5/06

sweet, but with the length of the show couldn't they just post every bands full set in a big 2 or 3 dvd thing? its not like wacken with 2 days or anything.
I hope they have some of the Symphony X set because it was badass. Oo especially if it has the drumming duel between Mike Portnoy and Richard Christy

I'll be buying it. good times.
i saw it at the mikeportnoy forums. No band got more than 3 songs, even DT and megadeth, who headlined. Hey, a live version of born filmed professionally with good sound? im not gonna complain.
unknown said:
yeah, one of the nights, richard christy showed up, they rolled out an extra drumset and the two dueled
when i saw them, christy just sat next to portnoy in his 2 person sized set. and it wasnt so much of a duel when i saw it, it was more like just playing drum parts from other songs.
I'll still get it, even for just two songs. The NM dvd we haven't heard an update about, but someone said that a photographer/videographer had been following them around. It might be getting edited now for all we know. Tight lipped bastards they are.
derek said:
to clarify, that means the 5th of september right?

cause, ye all use retarded dating systems.

No, he's just posting the news a week after the DVD hit shelves.