gigs in greece


i have been misslead
Mar 17, 2003
dear friends.

i would like to know whether the upcoming gigs in greece (8-9/05) are a full evergrey set list show or it is a part of a festival ???
i am planning to come over from israel & wouldn't want to see them for just 30 minuets or so...
i read some where on a greek site that distruction is olso part of the gig & realy want to know who is hosting who ???

thanks for the help & best wishes

iko oz.
Dear TOM !!!!

I was sad to hear about this gigs cancalation in greece but i stil beleive that things are happening for a reason & for the best !!!
i promise you & tHE GUYS a big warm welcome here in ISRAEL & hope this time you will find a serious promoter that would do it properly !!!
you are always in my heart & i am sure we would meet someday soon
so have a great chrismass time & enjoy yourselfs !!!
best wishes & thanks for the great music.
iko oz
an israeli forevergrey fan.
hey tom
i want to ask you why dont you come to lebanon
their are alot of fans their (i am a very big fan of you and i have all your albumes but a have some Difficulties to reach your albumes and i hope that i can get your DVD)
please pass to lebanon because lebanon is above israeli.
dear bassel !!

i am sure that music is beyond all borders & hope that one day we would meet on a peace concert in the middle east with all evergrey fans from the region !!!

i welcom you to israel if there would be an evergrey gig & promise you a great time !!!

all the best & keep up the peace side .....
ikoz said:
dear bassel !!

i am sure that music is beyond all borders & hope that one day we would meet on a peace concert in the middle east with all evergrey fans from the region !!!

i welcom you to israel if there would be an evergrey gig & promise you a great time !!!

all the best & keep up the peace side .....

i would like to come but you know that their are no flights to israel so i can not
but i wish that peace would be upon us
and would be in an evergrey gig with each other :rock:
I just can't believe the shows are cancelled...
I have been thinking about the concert ever since I found out about it :(
I can't really understand the reasons why, but I hope you guys are coming as soon as possible. CU in Greece (sometime...)