
Gaunerin you are damn right (sure you'r not from sweden?)
Of course I will attend the show:rock: I never miss a Lefay gig,and I'll try too be a little less drunk this time hehehe.
I have some picktures of Lefay from SwedenRockFestival too, I'll try too borrow a scanner from a friend of mine and send them too you Silkie....if you want too I mean?:) Maybe you can put them up here?

Well See ya // Hugo
hehehe, I'm only a wanna-be Swede, sad but true ;)
I'm better in Swedish than German geography at times, that's all :grin:

And yes, try to have a few pics scanned! :)
You could also send them to me if you want to have them posted here on the board. But I'm quite sure Silkie would probably like to put them up on the website as well, so you better send them directly to her.
Originally posted by Hugo
Gaunerin you are damn right (sure you'r not from sweden?)
Of course I will attend the show:rock: I never miss a Lefay gig,and I'll try too be a little less drunk this time hehehe.
I have some picktures of Lefay from SwedenRockFestival too, I'll try too borrow a scanner from a friend of mine and send them too you Silkie....if you want too I mean?:) Maybe you can put them up here?

Well See ya // Hugo

Yes, that would be great if you do, cause I'm working on the gallery section right now (and also typing lyrics in... and get the tab section ready).
I will give you credits and everything. :)

Oh and check your PM :)
Everybody going tonight and gets to read this before leaving: hope you have fun :rock:

Hello Lefaylovers.
First let me say that I'm sorry for not doing this sooner. The crowd was small maybe we where about 60-70 people there (can u believe it??) but we banged as we where 200!!!! Here is the setlist.
"Another Dawn"
"When Gargoyles Fly"
"Boon He Gives"
"In The Court Of The Crimson King"
"End Of Living"
"Rooms Of Sleep"
"Creatures Of The Hierarki"
"To Isengard"
"Master Óf The Masquerade"
"State Of Intoxication"
"Source Of Pain"
And last "Ace of Spades" whitout "chulle" but with Peter Green
at the Mic...... So only 1 change since the "tranan" gig.

Well we had a blast, and rocked untilled we dropped hehe quite a headake next day :eek: As you know Robin had his birthday on Sunday, so we got him a present, Whiskyyy. And "chulle" had his birthday last Monday so we got him some swedish snuff "Snus".
I hope they liked it. Any questions? :confused:

See ya // Hugo
Thank you very much for the play list :)
Your report sounds so much fun... wished to be there but we having to much work at our company before x-mas :(
So I could not take off work for a trip to Sweden.

I know what snus is, hehehe...
hehe, the thread is almost a year old but it is of interest again because on the WOA forum Lefay are rumoured to possibly play! Needless to say that it would be awesome - hopefully the band wants to be there!? :rock: