
Originally posted by TexasFriedCriminal
you know what would be great ?
of course you know?

are you ready?
do you want to play wacken?

then tell them!!!!!

and we will bugger them too, until they don't know how to spell "e-mail" anymore ;)

We all know it would be great and Holger knows about it, but it's up to Holger on the end.
Gaunerin, sure! I hope I'll be ok by that time... it would kill me not able to go... damn accident... :cry:

Oh yeah to all on this board, I might can't answer mails that fast, because I had an accident and need a surgery. So I'm not online for a few days when I get this OP... hope they do this surgery pretty soon... June isn't that far away...
I hope the Lefay comes to play here in Brazil this year.
there are many fans of the band waiting for a show of the band here.:) :D :p